Let's Talk About Overthinking and How to Stop It.

Aug 3, 2022

3 min read

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Everybody, each and every person..thinks and worries about their life and surroundings but when this thinking starts hampering your mental health, your ability to make decisions, your ability to trust people..that is when we call it overthinking and its something every second person goes through at some point of their life..whether career or in relationships.

Like everything has a solution...here are my few ways to stop overthinking.

1) Distraction can be the biggest boon here.

Distraction is the best key...you just have to recognise the point of time where you start overthinking and and that very point distract yourself.

Anytime you become conscious of your thoughts and find yourself overthinking..just try and distract yourself from that.

You can spend time with your family,your friends , exercising , watching movie ,reading books,sports anything even studying.

2)Relax your mind-You can achieve anything and everything in your life but if you cannot control your thoughts and your mind..you would never be satisfied with your life..with what you have.

To relax your mind and to prepare yourself for the day ahead...try early morning meditation and yoga .It can help you regulate your thoughts and your mind.

Even an early morning walk can help a lot.

These are the best possible ways to kickstart your day.

3) Acceptance-

It takes a lot of will to accept your life, whether past or your current situations, things you are dealing with.

You might be going through a lot in your life right now and overthinking is only going to make it worse.

Accepting your past mistakes can be a hard task but believe me... acceptance is the key and one should never forget..you are gonna make mistakes in your life..it's how you accept and improve...you can always move on.

4)Write it out.

This is the sole reason I started having a personal diary as a teenager and having one till date.

Write out everything you feel in your diary or even on a sheet of paper without any filter.This is the you can be your most vulnerable self.

We people do not always have people we can talk to and share our feelings mostly due to fear of judgement.

But your diary can be your best friend..write out every thought whether good or bad.

Write what you don't like and write what you like and want in your life and you will notice a great change and sometimes when you start writing you yourself would feel that most of the thoughts you tend to overthink on are useless and have no pillar.

Don't let your mind control you, you can control your mind and use that to reach the life you always wanted.

Protecting your mental health is as important as your physical health.

Do not let your mind play you.

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