Karma Comes Back

5 months ago

2 min read

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There is a saying that karma always comes back. I recently got into, this feeling that people are more selfish than you can think. In this era, people could take your share of beautiful frosting without giving you what you deserve.

But you know what, every greedy human forgets karma and does whatever they can. These higher authorities have superior powers which make them feel they can do whatever they want. Remember one thing, Today you are in your shoes, enjoying the walk tomorrow you might need to go barefoot. Be a rude human, be a straightforward speaker but try not to eat from somebody else's plate without permission. You already know that I'm not stating food here, right?

Karma is true. keep your shoes tidy when you walk in someone's house.

Days back I got hit with a situation, in which I didn't get what I deserved. And realized this world has such people who could go down to fulfill their ego and greed that they snatch your share too. This situation forced me to write about Karma.  Karma means that you will reap what you sow, good or bad. Han Han, I know that

अच्छा करो तो फल मिले न मिले पता नहीं,

पर बुरे का बोया बीज लौट के जरूर आता है

"Will you stop doing good?" A good human surrounds a positivity around them, a kind of positivity which will take time to make you realise. I heard stories in my childhood- my family used to say that if you ever going to take somebody's share, you going to return double tripple or may be 4 times more for that. But as like you I also wonder why these bad humans living the good life? But the time I go to bed I tale a breath of relief that today I didn't do anything greedy. I feel relieved that despite making mistakes in life, I never let evil thoughts consume me.

That satisfaction is far more richer than money and power. Do good, achieve good is still on my yes list.

I'm a free writer and couldn't write in set parameters. I just write what I feel and try to put those emotions into words.

Jixu Zhandou (Keep Fighting)

Sonali Negi

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