Just an Ordinary Day!

Aug 17, 2022

1 min read

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It's been a long time since I have written something. Well to be honest, I thought if I am writing something it should be special or related to some events in my life. That's how we usually start our writing isn't it? But I forgot that if you want an ordinary day of your life can be turned into a big memorable day.

So, the question is how can I make my ordinary day a special one? Well there are numerous activities you can do like going out side of your house, meeting your friends, taking a walk in a nearby park or hitting the gym but to be honest these are not my forte😅I love to spend time at home and I am more of an introvert person.

To make my day special I have decided to make a list of goals which I have to achieve. Some people say that, if you speak out loud about your goals then you feel a sense of responsibility or we could say a bit of pressure to achieve those goals because, everyone knows what your are up to and if you don't do it then they will judge you. Well it Just what they say, you should do what you want to do 🙃

The things which I do in my ordinary day is to read a novel or look for some interesting courses on coursera app. Well this is not a promotion of an App but I do feel that you should check out that App. Other things which make my ordinary day very special is writting a blog, which is I'm doing right now and learning new video editing skills fro YouTube. You can also turn your hobbies into the productive activities. You just have to take a one step towards your goals and then everything will just add up to it.

So this is all I have to say about my ordinary day, hope you could share in comment section what's your go to activity to turn your ordinary day into a special day.

Thanks for reading 💗

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