Is Printer Ink Toxic?

Nov 23, 2022

4 min read

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A question that is ultimately difficult to answer. Hardly a secret is better kept than the composition of printer ink or the contents of a printer cartridge. No manufacturer of ink - be it the s.g. Original ink or the foreign ink - will be able to look at the cards without compulsion. The business with the "liquid gold" is too lucrative and the risk that a competitor could gain knowledge that could be used for one's own purposes is too great. If you really want to know exactly, you cannot avoid a complex and expensive analysis. If you want to get more knowledge about printer and want to sell unsed cartridge then visit our site Super Image LTD

1. Hardly any heavy metals

The Stiftung Warentest also examined the ingredients of printer ink as part of a test in 2008 and came to the conclusion that there are hardly any heavy metals such as lead, chromium, cadmium, cobalt or nickel in printer ink. The proportion of azo dyes classified as harmful to health has also fallen significantly. The Federal Environment Agency, which classifies printer ink as neither dangerous nor harmful to health, has also given the all-clear.

2. Still not for children's hands

Even if printer ink can be classified as harmless overall and consists mainly of water, it does not belong in the hands of children. Despite everything, the substance that puts the ink on the paper contains a large number of chemical compounds that are necessary, for example, to ensure the surface tension that is important for printing or the viscosity - i.e. the flow behavior of the ink. It is still the case with printer ink that direct contact with the skin or eyes should be avoided. In the case of direct eye contact in particular, it is advisable to rinse thoroughly with water. If ink has been swallowed, which is probably only an issue for children, the following recommendation applies:

Drink plenty of water - possibly provoke vomiting and consult a doctor in any case with larger quantities.

But "real" danger - especially danger to life - does not exist even in such extreme cases. The conclusion that can be drawn is that printer ink does not pose any health risks when used as intended.

Many users are probably not even aware of the fact that printer ink is one of the most expensive liquids in the world. However, what you've probably noticed is that printer cartridges are significantly more expensive than toner - for the reason mentioned above.

However, you can be sure that you can purchase fresh ink for all common printers at ink center at particularly favorable conditions. Because we always try to meet the needs and wishes of our customers and therefore offer you high-quality toner, printer cartridges and other accessories at fair prices with fast delivery.

What is printer ink?

You can buy cheap printer ink without hesitation at InkCenter, as noted above. But what is printer ink and what is it made of? We want to get to the bottom of this and other questions in this article.

Hardly any user gives much thought to the ink in the printer cartridges, which is of crucial importance for the functionality of your inkjet printer. Because it's the only way to put color on paper. This can cost a lot of money if there is a lot of printing, which is why you will also find compatible ink cartridges with us that are on a par with the original products, but are much cheaper. For this reason, many of our customers have already switched to compatible printer ink from alternative manufacturers.

Things worth knowing about printer ink

Of course, printer ink has been around for a long time, but it has only been used in printers since the middle of the last century. It was not until the 1960s that the first inkjet printer comparable to today's devices was developed. It was more of a Teletype Corporation teleprinter than a printer per se. Modern inkjet printers or multifunction devices now press around 160,000 ink droplets through microfine nozzles onto one square centimeter of paper. The sheet is pushed past the print head by a motor in the printer, which sprays the printer ink onto the medium. Frequent printers are quickly here with an immense consumption. If you were to calculate a liter price for printer ink, you would come up with a proud 580 euros per liter of original printer ink using an HP printer as an example! The costs for original products are usually significantly higher than for compatible products of the same quality.

Make your own printer ink

With such high costs for the “liquid gold”, many a bargain hunter might also think about wanting to produce printer ink themselves. It should be noted that the manufacturers' recipes are top secret and you can find various recipes for making your own ink on the Internet, but these should be treated with caution. For example, there are reports of the use of conventional fountain pen ink that has been mixed with a wide variety of chemicals. These include, for example, isopropanol, which is used for the thermal release of the ink, and ethylene glycol, an antifreeze for the radiator, which is intended to prevent the nozzles from clogging.

However, if you are not an experienced chemist, you should avoid handling chemical substances to produce your printer ink yourself, but rather switch to inexpensive refill cartridges, which are offered by experienced manufacturers and which you can also buy cheaply in our shop can acquire. In this way you are always on the safe side and do not run the risk of an undesirable chemical reaction.

Refill printer ink yourself

Once you've given up on the idea of ​​making your own printer ink, you may be thinking about the next cheaper option: filling your old cartridges with the finished bottled printer ink yourself. This requires some manual skills, but with a little practice you can refill your printer cartridges with fresh ink yourself. The fact that printer ink is poisonous is a fallacy. Of course, ink and other chemicals do not belong in the hands of children and should not be swallowed! If something goes wrong when refilling your cartridges, it's no big deal if you remove the spilled printer ink immediately. You can get refill ink everywhere in well-stocked shops.

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