Is It Legal to Use an Instagram Winner Picker for Giveaways?

Apr 4, 2023

5 min read

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It's no secret that Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms out there. With over a billion monthly active users, it's a great place to connect with potential customers and grow your brand.

One of the most popular ways to use Instagram for business is to run giveaways. They're a great way to build buzz around your product or service, and they can be a fun way to engage with your followers.

But what about using an Instagram winner picker for your giveaway? Is that legal?

  • The short answer is yes, it is legal to use an Instagram winner picker for giveaways. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind in order to make sure your giveaway is compliant with the law.

  • First, you need to make sure that your giveaway is open to entrants who are 18 years of age or older. This is because giveaways are considered gambling in some jurisdictions, and gambling is typically only allowed for people who are of legal age.

  • Second, you need to clearly state the rules of the giveaway on your Instagram post. This includes specifying how many winners will be chosen, how the winners will be chosen (e.g., via random draw), and what the prize(s) will be.

  • Finally, you should consult with an attorney or other legal advisor before running any kind of giveaway on Instagram (or any other platform). This way, you can be sure that you're taking all the necessary steps.

What is an Instagram Winner Picker?

The best Instagram giveaway picker is a tool that can be used to randomly select a winner for an Instagram giveaway. There are a number of different Instagram winner pickers available, and they all work in slightly different ways. Some Instagram winner pickers allow you to input the names of all the entrants into a database, and then randomly select a name from the database. Other Instagram winner pickers work by selecting a random comment or likes on your giveaway post.

While using an Instagram winner picker is a quick and easy way to select a winner for your giveaway, you should be aware that there are some potential legal implications. In particular, if you are running a contest or sweepstakes, you will need to make sure that your use of an Instagram winner picker complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

How Does the Instagram Winner Picker Work?

  • When you use an Instagram winner picker for giveaways, the process is actually pretty simple. First, you need to decide what kind of giveaway you want to run. There are several different types of giveaways that you can choose from, but the most popular ones are usually contests where people enter by following a specific account and liking or commenting on a post.

  • Once you've decided what kind of giveaway you want to run, the next step is to find an Instagram winner picker tool. There are a few different options out there, but we recommend using Random Picker because it's free and easy to use.

  • To use Random Picker, simply go to their website and enter the URL of the Instagram post that you're running the giveaway on. Then, set up the parameters for your contest (like how many winners you want to choose and how many entries each person is allowed). Once you've done that, hit the "Pick Winners" button and Random Picker will randomly select a winner (or winners) from all of the eligible entries.

  • And that's really all there is to it! Using an Instagram winner picker tool is a quick and easy way to run a successful contest or giveaway. Just make sure that you're clear about the rules and requirements before you start, so everyone has a fair chance of winning.

Is it Legal to Use an Instagram Winner Picker for Giveaways?

There are a few things to consider when using an Instagram winner picker for giveaways. First, make sure that the contest is open to all eligible participants and that it is clear how to enter. Second, review the terms and conditions of use for the winner picker tool to ensure that it is legal in your jurisdiction. Third, consider whether you want to use a random selection process or give participants an opportunity to opt-in to enter the contest. Lastly, make sure to promote the contest and prize in a way that complies with Instagram's guidelines.

Advantages & Disadvantages of an Instagram Winner Picker

  • There are both advantages and disadvantages to using an Instagram winner picker for giveaways. On the plus side, it is an easy way to select a random winner from a pool of entrants. It is also a fair way to choose a winner, as everyone has an equal chance of being selected.

  • On the downside, some people may view the use of a winner picker as unfair, as it takes the human element out of the equation. Additionally, there is always the potential for technical glitches which could result in the wrong person being chosen as the winner.

Tips for Running a Fair and Legitimate Giveaway

When running a giveaway, it is important to make sure that the process is fair and legitimate. Here are some tips to help ensure that your giveaway is legal and above board:

  • Make sure that all entrants have an equal chance of winning. This means that you cannot give preferential treatment to friends or family members.

  • Do not require entrants to purchase anything in order to enter or increase their chances of winning. This includes requiring them to follow your account or share your post.

  • Ensure that the prize is clearly stated and that there is no confusion about what the winner will receive.

  • Make sure you have a clear set of rules and eligibility requirements for the giveaway, and stick to them. Do not change the rules midway through the contest.

  • Choose a random winner in a fair way, such as using a third-party winner picker tool. Do not manually select the winner yourself.


In conclusion, using an Instagram winner picker for giveaways is a legal and convenient method of choosing a random winner. It's important to remember to read the terms of service from the social media platform and comply with any local laws that may apply when running a giveaway. This way, you can ensure your giveaway runs smoothly and is both fair and compliant with all applicable regulations. With an Instagram winner picker at your disposal, you're ready to start hosting engaging giveaways on Instagram!

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