Is Arguing a Natural Part of Every Relationship

Relationship expert

Oct 21, 2022

3 min read

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Argument this can be referred to the act of reason, a statement or fact intended to establish a point of view. Before digging in to this topic, we must understand as human beings we are prone to make mistakes and another thing to live with others around you is by tolerating and being patient with them.

Patience and tolerance serve as a grease to every relationship. We all tend to have our own attitudes and personality. Some people's own might be bad or rather much worse. They are mostly seen as bad eggs.  Still, we learn to tolerate them when they come around us. Mostly this tolerance comes due to fear or to some other factor, but basically we just want peace to reign.

Talking about arguments, it a natural part of every relationship. Yes! We must fight to understand ourselves better. No man on earth doesn’t have his/her own rules that guide them, but still these rules will still be violated and that were issues come out . The best solution is to fight to settle, which also serves as an advantage of understanding yourselves better. The reign of peace in every aspect of human lives is very essential to human lives. A relationship without argument is not meant to be kept or, probably, let say it is fake.

In fact, an online study, “Able Arguers,” among 976 individuals in 2012 found that couples who engage in healthy conflict are 10 times more likely to have a happy relationship versus those who ignore difficult conversations.

You might probably think am painting arguments in a green limelight but the advantage it tends to give out is very much, rather than keeping silence as the best choice just because you want to avoid any issue or conflict is not profitable. The advantage of argument in relationships is quite much, but I will be explaining a lot of it.

  1. It prevents frustration: “Silence is the best answer for a fool”. This might not work in every situation. Sometimes people might be wrong in their measure of perspective towards a situation or issue and still claim to be right. We mostly choose silence as the best option, but what we don’t know is that “what you fail to say will surely reflect in your action”. You can hide your emotions but you can’t cover up the show (action) your body is going to put up.  Argument is just the best key to resolving these issues, but don’t get me wrong, I mean “peaceful argument”.

  2. It helps in finding out the real issue: Let's take, for example: you are going out for work and you search through all your clothes only to find out they are rough, which simply means it is not presentable. Then the best and next solution that comes to your mind is to iron it to straighten it out. This is also the reason why argument serves as an advantage in relationships. Every relationship must have a rough path (issues), but the best solution is to iron out your differences, work on them and move on.

  3. it enables the growth of the relationship: when issues come up and we take it on accepting our mistakes and making proper corrections, it helps a lot in the growth and maturity of the relationship, also making us understand the con and pro in keeping it steady and peaceful.

    Most guys do complain of being in a relationship with a stubborn, jealous girl, but they enjoy the relationship. Based on they love the vibes and shows their partners put up because their actions and emotion proves to be honest and real.

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