Inclusive Classroom

Dec 2, 2022

3 min read

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Sudhakar has taken admission in class level of an urban school. He basically belongs to a rural background. He was very excited to study in an urban school but he realizes a totally different picture in comparison to what he had seen in his village. Mohan wants to withdraw his admission. What is the reason behind Mohan’s cancelling the admission? As a teacher how will you counsel him to continue his studies and how will you bring a change in his attitude?


The reason behind the cancellation of Mohan’s admission was fear of exclusion in the classroom. In his view. he saw the other children as superior to him and was afraid to adjust in this new environment.

Role of a teacher:

Investigate the Situation -Before you can help an isolated student, you need to find out why the student is struggling socially. Begin by observing the student in different settings such as at lunch, during recess, and in class. Discreetly talk with former teachers and trustworthy students to see what they think are the issues behind the social isolation. You may learn that the student’s difficulties are related to bossiness, a student may be isolated simply because they are different. You may also find that the student is a victim of bullying.

Address Any Bullying Issues- If you discover that social isolation is related to bullying and not a lack of social skills, be sure you address the bullying immediately. If the student is the victim of rumors or being ostracized by others, address these behaviour when you see them occur. You also can give the student ideas on coping with these types of bullying And you can even plan several lessons that encourage empathy, respect, and other positive character traits.

Coach the Student- Offer guidance about social situations they might encounter and provide pointers on how to deal with those situations. This exercise might be as simple as encouraging the student to make eye contact with others and to be friendly. The goal is to get them to make an effort to build friendships and relationships with others.

Arrange Social Opportunities -One option is to encourage socially isolated students to get involved in activities that give them an opportunity to socialize with others. The activities you recommend will depend on the student’s areas of interest or talents. But these activities can include everything from yearbook and chess club to drama and sports. Even activities that involve community service are good opportunities for the student to socialize.

Organize a Lunch Club - Use the lunch club concept as an opportunity to reward students for being empathetic, compassionate, respectful, kind or helpful. The reward is that the students get a break from cafeteria food to eat in your classroom. If you can, provide pizza or another favourite food. Or, have the kids each contribute a few dollars toward the special lunch. Another option is to have them bring their school lunch to your classroom and the reward is that they can listen to music, relax, and enjoy ice cream after. Whatever method you choose to reward your lunch club, be sure your socially isolated student is included. This special lunch will give the student an opportunity to connect with other students who will most likely be receptive.

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