Importance of Machine Learning in Data Science

Sep 12, 2022

5 min read

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In today's world, many organizations and industries emphasize the importance of using data to improve their products and services. If we are discussing only data science, then it refers to the analysis of data using MLOps machine learning. In order to make better and more appropriate decisions, engineers must use machine learning and data science prominently. Adapting algorithms and mathematical calculations to big data is a relatively new concept. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have both been around for a while.

It is extremely important for every Data Scientist to understand Machine Learning and why it is necessary to learn it. Therefore, we will introduce you to machine learning, data science, and how they are different but work together.

What is Machine Learning?

In artificial intelligence, the core subfield is machine learning. Machine learning involves programming computers to learn on their own without explicit programming. These computers learn, grow, change, and develop on their own based on new data. Machine learning has been around for a while, but now it is becoming increasingly popular to apply mathematical calculations to big data automatically and quickly. 

In machine learning, any software application or app can find and predict outcomes more precisely and accurately since it is a subset of artificial intelligence. There are several places where machine learning has been implemented, including self-driving Google cars, online recommendation engines — recommendations from friends on Facebook, Amazon offers, cyber fraud detection, malware threat detection, recommendation engines, spam filtering, healthcare, etc.

What is Data Science?

A huge amount of data is used in data science to find unseen patterns, derive information, and make business decisions using modern techniques and tools. Machine learning algorithms are used to build models in data science. In order to extract the precise value from data, data science combines multiple fields such as scientific methods, statistics, data analysis, and artificial intelligence. 

The purpose of data scientists and data engineers is to derive actionable insights from data collected from the web and other sources such as customers and smartphones.

Importance of Machine Learning in Data Science

In data science, the goal is to uncover information from raw data. Machine learning helps you understand complex behaviors and trends by exploring data at a very granular level. In order to apply machine learning, you must first understand the business requirements clearly. Machine learning algorithms are used in data science to make accurate predictions about a given set of data. For example, a patient's blood work can be used to predict whether he or she has cancer. In order to do this, we feed the algorithm a large number of examples: patients who had cancer and patients who did not have cancer, as well as their lab results. Based on these examples, the algorithm will learn to predict whether or not a patient has cancer.

Most of the manufacturing work will be automated in the near future. Machine Learning is at the heart of AI, so to match human capabilities, devices need to be intelligent. Data Scientists need to master machine learning for quality estimations and predictions. By doing so, machines will be able to make smarter decisions and take smarter actions in real time without human involvement. It is imperative for Data Scientists to develop skills in Machine Learning in order to cope with the changes that are occurring in the field of data mining and interpretation. Machine Learning has replaced traditional statistical methods with the more accurate automated generic methods.

Stages of Machine Learning in Data Science

There are five stages of machine learning in the field of Data Science. They are as follows:

  1. Collection of Data

In machine learning, the first step is collecting data. As per the business problem, machine learning is used to collect structured, unstructured, and semistructured data from any database across systems. Data can take the form of a CSV file, a pdf file, a document, an image, or even handwritten.

  1. Cleansing and Preparation of Data

As part of data preparation, machine learning technology analyzes the data and prepares features related to the business problem. When ML systems are clearly defined, they are able to understand features and how they relate to one another. Machine learning and data science are built on features.

As soon as data preparation is complete, the data must be cleansed because it is often filthy and corrupted with noise, inconsistencies, incomplete information, and missing values in the real world. In an automated fashion, machine learning can be used to find missing data, imputation of data, encoding categorical columns, removing outliers, duplicate rows, and null values much more quickly.

  1. Training of Models

Choosing the right machine learning algorithm depends on both the quality of the training data and the type of model being trained. In addition to considering the model algorithm complexity, performance, interpretability, computer resource requirements, and speed for improved model accuracy, you should also consider the model algorithm complexity, performance, interpretability, and computer resource requirement. 

  1. Evaluation of Models and Retraining

In order to determine the bias and variance of the machine learning model, the training data set is divided into two parts. Upon training your model, you will be able to validate, test, and deploy it. You can evaluate your model based on a variety of metrics once model training is complete. A metric's choice is entirely dependent on the model type and implementation plan. It is not necessary for the model to be trained and assessed to solve your business problems. Any model can be fine-tuned further by tweaking the parameters for better accuracy.

  1. Prediction of Output

It is important to understand prediction errors (bias and variance) whenever we talk about model prediction. Understanding these errors will help you design accurate models and prevent mistakes like overfitting and underfitting. For a successful data science project, you need to find a balance between bias and variance to minimize prediction errors.

Domination in industry

A number of factors have led to the dominance of AI and machine learning (ML) in the industry nowadays, including:

  1. Analyzing and examining large chunks of data automatically is the task of machine learning.

  2. The data analysis process is automated and real-time predictions are made without any human intervention. 

  3. The data model can be further trained to make real-time predictions. This is where machine learning algorithms are utilized.


Data Science and Machine Learning combine to make a Data Scientist's life easier. As an organization, we have become more reliant on data for improving our products and services. This article was devoted to demonstrating how these two fields complement each other. There are real-life scenarios where data science and machine learning work together and provide valuable data insights - online recommendation engines, speech recognition (in Siri and Google Assistant), fraud detection for all online transactions. As a result, it is reasonable to infer that Machine Learning can analyze data and extract valuable insights. 

Data science will therefore be dominated by machine learning in the near future. It will be a leading technology of the future and have many applications.

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