I'm Dreaming

5 months ago

2 min read

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Last night I felt love, freedom, pamper and a fear of losing me but from someody else's 'Heart'

I don't know how you interpret this feeling? But I will show you the justififcation by just words. Have you ever been into a feeling where you are just tired of everything and just need someone's love? Then all you do is imagine and get lost into dreams, see those pulses getting high with a smile, tears and strength. I know right, you got me to some extent? Woah! Did you just imagine something? Don't lie man, Just say yes....

Ummmm, I just had a feeling that you all are into your beautiful worlds, you all feeling the love and beauty in your dream. You know what? Have you ever wonder why we feel so lively when we are into our fictional world? It is because our brain is not partial or biased it let's you do what you need. If you want to feel love, just feel love, if you want to feel power, feel power and if you want to feel success, feel the success.

This brain is just your fancy area where you can sow what you need... Many of us wants to sit under a beautiful sky, stary night and close our eyes to feel the presence of something we totally need right now. The feeling which cheers our dead souls and which makes us more confident in this harsh society.

Dear reader below, there is a letter for you...

Hi cutie,

I know you are overwhelmed, I know you are stuck, just like me. But You know what you are surviving, you are strong and you have dreams. Dreams do take a lot of time and strength from bravest soldiers. Okay okay! I know you are tired of becoming bravest soldier but see you are still working hard that means you are still hopeful. So just continue being you, correct your mistakes and live the life you need even just in dreams, is enough for right now. Someday you are going to achieve one of your greatest dreams. That day will be remarkable in the history of hardwork.

Jixu xhandou (keep fighting)


"I'm a free writer and I couldn't write in set parameters. I just want to live in these words".

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