Human Remains Found in Pennsylvania State Park

Jul 4, 2022

1 min read

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Skeletal human remains were found on April 15th in Oil Creek State Park

On April 15th, a fisherman along Oil Creek discovered what appeared to be human remains in Oil Creek State Park. The state park is located in Venango County, Pennsylvania, and spans 6,250 acres.

The remains were reported to be seen around 8 pm on the 15th. The unnamed man took pictures and took them to Titusville Police Department.

The Titusville Police then contacted the State Police located in Franklin, Pennsylvania. After confirmation that the photos were of skeletal human remains, officials from Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pennsylvania, arrived at the scene to collect the remains on Saturday, April 16th.

Venango County Coroner Christina Rugh confirmed that human remains belonging to one person were found on April 15th, 2022. The remains will be undergoing further examination at Mercyhurst University. The Forensic Anthropology Department will try to identify the remains.

So far, there has been no new information released about the identity of the remains or the cause of death.

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