How to Verify Linkedin Profile Without My Phone Number

12 months ago

5 min read

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Verifying a LinkedIn profile with a temporary number is relatively easy.

First, go to the Settings page in your account and select “Phone Number” from the “Accounts & Privacy” section.

Then enter your temporary phone number and click on “Send Verification Code.” A code will be sent via text message or voice call to that number for you to enter into the verification box provided on the same page.

Once verified, you can use that phone number as an additional security measure when logging into your account in the future.

You can also use it to receive notifications about messages, job postings, and other updates from LinkedIn.

Step 1: Open LinkedIn Website

  • Go to the homepage of the website and click on "Sign Up" or "Join Now"

Step 2: Enter your name, email address, and create a password

  • Check the box next to “I agree with LinkedIn's User Agreement” and then click on “Continue”

Step 3: Select the option for verifying your profile using a temporary phone number

  • You will need to enter a valid country code followed by an area code from which you wish to receive verification codes sent via text message or voice call

  • Click on “Send Verification Code” once you have completed this step

Step 4: Check for the verification code in either your text messages or voicemail depending upon how you chose to receive it in Step 3 above

Once found, enter it into the appropriate field provided before clicking on “Verify Phone Number” button that appears below it

Your account should now be verified!

Can I Join Linkedin Without a Phone Number?

Yes, you can join LinkedIn without a phone number. The process is quite simple and straightforward.

First, create an account by providing your name, email address, and password.

Once the registration is complete, you will be asked to enter your profile information such as work experience and education history.

At this point, if you do not wish to provide a phone number or have one yet, just leave the field blank and submit your profile.

You will then be able to access all of LinkedIn’s features such as connecting with other professionals in your industry or viewing job postings on the platform.

Additionally, many employers use LinkedIn as part of their hiring process so having an up-to-date profile can help increase visibility for potential opportunities. So don't feel pressured into providing a phone number right away when joining LinkedIn - it's perfectly okay not to!

How Do I Pass Linkedin Phone Verification?

Passing the LinkedIn phone verification process is relatively straightforward. First, you will need to provide your personal mobile number in order to begin the process.

Once this is done, you will receive an automated message from LinkedIn that contains a code that needs to be entered into their online form.

This code acts as a second layer of security and ensures that only legitimate users who have access to the provided phone number can proceed with creating or accessing their account on LinkedIn.

After entering this code correctly, you should then receive another message from LinkedIn confirming your successful completion of the verification process and allowing you full access to all features on their platform.

It's important to note that if at any point during this process, there is an issue with either verifying your identity or providing valid information for account creation, it may result in a temporary suspension of account privileges until further review by customer service representatives.

How to Bypass Linkedin Security Check?

If you're trying to bypass LinkedIn's security check, it can be a tricky process that requires some patience and skill.

However, there are a few tried-and-true methods that will help you get around the system quickly and easily.

The first thing to keep in mind is that if your account has been locked because of suspicious activity or other security concerns, then the best way to regain access is by resetting your password.

You'll need to provide proof of identity when doing this; most commonly, this includes uploading a copy of your driver’s license or passport.

Once you've done this successfully, you should be able to log back into your account without any further issues.

If for some reason resetting your password does not work (such as if LinkedIn still believes that someone else may have accessed your account), then another option is to contact customer support directly through their website or social media channels with details about why you believe the lock was placed on your account in order to receive specialized help from their team.

Lastly, using third-party services like VPNs can also be helpful in getting past LinkedIn's security checks; however, these tools come with their own risks so make sure you understand how they work before taking advantage of them!

Why Did I Get a Linkedin Verification Code

Linkedin verification codes are sent to users when they attempt to log in from a new device or browser. The code is used as an additional security measure, ensuring that only the user can access their account and providing added peace of mind for both the user and Linkedin. It's important to note that you may also receive a code if you haven't logged into your account for some time or if your profile has been inactive.

Temporary Number for Linkedin

A temporary number is a great way to get started on Linkedin without giving out your real phone number.

This type of virtual phone number allows you to create a profile and verify it quickly so that you can start exploring the features of the social media platform.

It also provides an extra layer of security in case someone attempts to access your account or contact information. With this feature, you can keep your personal details safe while staying connected with those who matter most!


Verifying your LinkedIn profile with a temporary number is an effective way to protect yourself from unwanted contacts while ensuring that the platform remains secure and trustworthy.

It is relatively simple to set up and can help give you peace of mind when using the app.

Additionally, it can enable you to keep your personal contact information private while still being able to access all of the features that LinkedIn offers.

In conclusion, verifying your LinkedIn profile with a temporary number is an easy and secure way to ensure that you are safe on this important professional networking platform.


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