How to Turn on or Off Encrypted Chat Backups in Whatsapp?

Aug 30, 2022

2 min read

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There is no one who doesn't know about WhatsApp right now. Every single thing is discussed through WhatsApp. Sometimes they also share personal things (photos & video). But when switching from one phone to another, many efforts are made to retrieve the chats. WhatsApp has a special feature to prevent users from intruding into their conversation when they get chat backups. A feature called Encrypted Chat Backup was first announced last year. WhatsApp further strengthens its chat backups with the help of end-to-end encryption feature.

WhatsApp uses an encrypted technique to keep chats secure on its platform. On the other hand chat backup is stored in Google Drive or Apple iCloud. But these chat backups are not secured by any encryption technique either. Hence hackers can easily hack your devices and get your contents. End-to-end encryption encrypts the content of backups so that no one can access them, so you can stay safe. This new feature is not enabled by default so WhatsApp users will have to turn it on in a bid to secure their chat backups with end-to-end encryption

How to Turn on End-to-End Encrypted Chat Backup in WhatsApp

Step 1: Open WhatsApp and open Settings option in it.

Step 2: Next select Chats section and then select 'Chat Backup' option.

Step 3: Next select the 'End-to-End Encrypted Backup' option.

Step 4: Now tap on Turn on option. Then follow the on-screen prompts to create a password or key.

Step 5: Finally tap on Create option option. Then wait some time to prepare your end-to-end encrypted backup.

Note that WhatsApp users cannot get a backup if they forget the password or key. Also it is not possible to reset WhatsApp password or key if you forget it.

How to turn off end-to-end encrypted backup

Step 1: Open WhatsApp and open Settings option in it.

Step 2: Next select Chats section and then select 'Chat Backup' option.

Step 3: Then select the 'End-to-End Encrypted Backup' option and tap on it.

Step 4: Then select Turn Off option.

Step 5: Enter the 64-bit encryption key you set for chat backup.

Step 6: Finally make sure you turn off the encrypted backup after selecting the turn off option.

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