How to Stay Healthy for Food Lovers

Nov 9, 2022

4 min read

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Taking care of health nowadays has become more popular with the increase of life-threatening diseases. Thanks to the internet people get to be concerned about their health and how not taking care of the body can affect both from inside and outside. Now while taking care of health food plays a vital role and that is where a food lover misses the chance of taking care of their health.

For a food lover, it is obvious food is more important than exercising which is why it becomes tough to take care of their health. But it will be no more. In this blog, I am going to share with you guys how as a food lover you can both enjoy food and at the same time take care of your health. But before a short definition of health.

Definition of being healthy

According to World Health Organization (WHO), the definition of health is - "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." If we talk about physical health in particular it can be achieved through proper food intake and exercise only (as stated before). A healthy body refers to a long life (less prone to diseases) along with a healthy physical appearance.

How to lose weight if you are overweight

Losing weight is all about calories in vs calories out. There is no rocket science behind it. Let me break it down for the people.

Look we all have a maintenance calorie on which we neither lose nor gain any weight. That means at maintenance the body stays at the same weight. Now, at a calorie deficit (eating less than maintenance) we put our body in weight loss mode. What happens at that time is our body uses stored fat as a source of energy which in the end results in burning fat from the body. The exact opposite for weight gain.

To find maintenance calories there are hundreds of websites available on the internet. Though the output is not 100% accurate, experimenting with cutting or adding some calories may help in finding the exact number.

Tips to stay healthy and lean as a food lover

As you know now the simple science behind weight loss and maintaining a healthy body you also have to follow the same. Here are my 5 tips that can help in weight loss as a foodie, or maintain a healthy body even if you are not fat.

#1 Decreasing the food portion

It is an obvious thing for a foodie - he/she is always going to pick junk most of the time over healthy food options. So, as junk foods are loaded with excess calories and extreme amounts of fat decreasing the portion size may help in weight loss or taking care of health. This way a person gets to enjoy food, and manage good health at the same time.

#2 Implementing cardio, or in general exercise

Exercise is the foundation of a healthy body. Along with the choice of foods, regular exercise can help the body to keep active and flourishing both in and outside.

Now as a food lover if you are looking to lose weight remember cardio will be your best friend. Because of its high calorie-burning nature, it helps in managing overall calories for the day.

For instance, with a 2000-calorie budget if you end up having extra 400 calories of food. With the help of cardio, you can burn that off and stay at your maintenance or be in a deficit.

#3 Satisfying food cravings on cheat days

Look having junk every day even if someone is exercising daily is still injurious to inner health. Though one may seem healthy from the outside from the inside the body may get wasted because of it. And exactly that is why it is mandatory to limit junk food intake. See I am never going to say to totally leave the food but limiting the junk on cheat days only can bring a big change. Try having 3days of a week as a cheat day if a person is craving badly. Mixing out 1st and this point will slowly change you.

#4 Try to decrease bad foods slowly

If someone is getting really frustrated with how they look they might think of immediately cutting all bad foods from their life. But from my experience, this approach is never going to sustain. They will be back to bad foods, exactly after 3-4days. So instead, move to something sustainable.

One should slowly remove bad food from their life. If the goal is to do it for the long term then going slow is the only option.

#5 Drink more water

This tip is like must follow for all. No matter whether it is a foodie, or a regular eater, having plenty of water is mandatory for all. Even for people who are gaining weight, this one is for them too. Try having 3-4liter of water daily. It will help in weight loss by suppressing the cravings.

Enough for this blog (I will attach a few more in case you like to read other stuff from me).

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