How To NOT Get A Quick Ban On Facebook: Some Tips From Reddit

Jul 6, 2022

1 min read

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Facebook is coming back strong. Black, gray and white hatters alike are noticing more and more bans hitting their Business Manger accounts, and it's become increasingly rare to last more than a few days. Luckily Reddit has some nice tips, to stay in the game just a little bit longer.

  1. If you have a new BM, advertise from it only one page “at a time” - it's been observed that simultaneous advertising on several pages from one BM or adv acct leads to a quick ban.

  2. TFA must be enabled in the BM settings.

  3. Fill in the information in the “Business Info” column - BMs with empty information get the quicker bans.

  4. Warm up your BM with $1/day campaigns and force bill payments - multiple times over. Only after can you safely start punching for conversions.

  5. Increase your budget gradually. Aggressive increases raise Facebook flags. A 50% increase per week is considered safe.

  6. Follow the reviews. A low rating of 2.0 or below will automatically cut you.

  7. Use 1 ad account per BM.

  8. Each ad account must have a unique payment option/VCC. If you charge multiple accounts from one card at the same time, at least one of those will be banned.

  9. If an ad account is disabled, do not try to create the same campaign within the same BMA.

  10. Do not create BM for previously used email addresses.

  11. Too many changes at once is a trigger. Take breaks - for example, stretch your neck, tickle your cat, play some gin rummy, then upload a new campaign

Don't let your hard work go to waste! Use these tips above. Hope this helps endeavouring Facebookers get their ads seen!

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