How to Love a Highly Sensitive Person

Sep 1, 2022

3 min read

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If you're in a relationship with a highly sensitive person, there are certain things you must know about her. Some traits of highly sensitive people are:

  • Strong empathy for others

  • Struggle with constructive criticism at times

  • Feel deeply

  • Being intentional when making decisions

  • Multitasking is overwhelming for them

  • Introverted by nature

  • Need to be alone at times to process feelings and thoughts

  • They value their relationships a lot

You don't want to treat your partner harshly or dismiss her feelings because she will feel as if you don't value her concerns or points of view. Here is how to love a highly sensitive person.

Give Your Partner Space Occasionally

Because your partner gets overstimulated after being around others for hours, she will need time to herself from time to time. This doesn't mean that she's rejecting you. It means that she needs some alone time.

Don't Rush Them Into Making Decisions

Highly sensitive people think carefully about their actions and are intentional about making decisions. It is crucial not to rush your partner into making decisions.

If You Hurt Their Feelings, They'll Struggle To Forget It

When you're dating a highly sensitive person, you must be careful not to hurt them in extreme ways. If you do, they'll feel it strongly, and although they may forgive you for what you did, it doesn't mean that they'll easily forget what happened.

Understand Their Creativity

If your partner has a strong creative side, learn to appreciate it. This is a major trait among highly sensitive people. They tend to appreciate a lot of the arts, beauty, and nature. Get involved with their creative projects and ask questions about them.

Be Generous With The Affection

A highly sensitive person values physical affection because it makes her feel loved and safe. Be generous with the hugs, kisses, and sexual intimacy within your relationship.

Be Patient And Sympathetic With Her

Since a highly sensitive person feels things deeper than the average person, you'll need to be patient and sympathetic with her at all times. The things you don't think are a big deal might mean a lot to her, and you should be understanding of her feelings.

You'll Have A Loyal Partner

One of the best things about having a highly sensitive partner is that they will be loyal to you. Highly sensitive people care about the needs and feelings of others, and they want the best for their loved ones and friends. Don't take advantage of your partner's love and loyalty. Do whatever it takes to show that you can be trusted and that you're committed to her no matter what happens.

Avoid Harsh And Disrespectful Disagreements

Every relationship will have conflict, but you'll have to tread carefully when there is a conflict with a highly sensitive partner. Avoid harsh put-downs, disrespectful sarcasm, and passive-aggressive tactics when having a disagreement. Instead, decide to talk things out and come to a solution that works for both of you.

It is not always easy to love a highly sensitive person but with your unconditional love, support, respect, and compassion, you will have an amazing relationship.

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