How to Get Rid of Sore Throat From Vaping

Oct 14, 2022

5 min read

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Most of us should know it. The first puff on a cigarette, what was that coughing and scratchy throat? He didn't want to stop at all. Well, the new generations cannot avoid this experience either. Not even if they puff on an e-cigarette instead of a cigarette. Because some newcomers to vaping complain about an uncomfortable feeling in their throat, coughing or scratching while they puff on an electronic cigarette for the first time. Some give up immediately and put the electronic cigarette aside again. That's a pity, because the electronic cigarette is definitely a good alternative for quitting smoking and tobacco prevention, which even the German medical profession recently found out. You can also visit our site for cure from the throat disease Raw-Terpenes.

What can be the causes of coughing when vaping?

Vapers are individualists. Except when it comes to coughing and itching when vaping for the first time, because around 50% of vapers cough at first. Research has also confirmed this – coughing, itching and headaches are the most common side effects for beginners. While every cigarette tastes more or less the same, even if tobacco smokers always claim the opposite, the world of e-cigarettes and liquids is sprouting with possible combinations, mixtures and settings for a lot, medium or little steam. But every person reacts differently to the ingredients of the liquids. While every cigarette tastes similar, there are a few things to consider with e-cigarettes to ensure flawless vaping enjoyment. Especially if hardware, liquids and e-cigarettes are all new to you, it is likely that you will scratch or cough at the beginning, especially with the first puff. Flavors, PG / VG proportion and water proportion of the liquids, the nicotine content and also the evaporator heads used must be coordinated. And in the end tailored to you. The draw technique also has a big impact on this, as does the power and voltage used

Unlike tobacco cigarettes, which in Europe are usually smoked from the mouth into the lungs, a distinction is made between moderate vaping from the mouth to the lungs (MTL) and subohmic vaping with direct lung inhalation (DL) with e-cigarettes. In MTL mode, vaping is done with rather low power (10 to 15 watts) with comparatively high resistances (about 1.0 ohms), while in the DL range powers of 80 to 100 watts are also used with resistances between 0.1 and 0.2 ohms are encountered. If an inexperienced vaper starts with a setup that is not designed for the respective draw technique, this can lead to unpleasant side effects. A liquid containing nicotine is often also used, since smoking cessation is usually started slowly and there is a lot of nicotine in the liquid to start with. The direct inhalation via the lungs now increases the effect of the nicotine even further. The possible solutions in this example would either be that the vaper reduces the nicotine content in the liquid, uses nicotine-free liquids or chooses another model that also supports the lungs. But first you should simply try to adapt your e-cigarette drawing technique, because it is also a common source of error that initially leads to unpleasant side effects. Just try the cheek pull. It is almost always user errors that lead to coughing and scratching. But not always.

Cough & itching only temporary side effects when vaping

For 90% of vapers, the side effects are only temporary. Most people suspect that it is due to the propylene glycol (PG) in the liquid. Only about 10% of the population is sensitive to propylene glycol, while the number of allergy sufferers is much lower. In addition, there may occasionally be other unknown ingredients, contaminants, and by-products in the vapor that can cause the cough. But another question arises. Why then do almost all vapers stop coughing after a short time? Why is the itching only a temporary side effect. Well, there is still no clear answer to this, since corresponding long-term studies are missing. But there are many indications that it is similar to the normal tobacco cigarette - the body gets used to it.

Why does the coughing & scratching stop?

No anesthetic for cough stimulus

It has long been suspected that tobacco smoke contains ingredients that suppress the urge to cough in smokers. This is the only reason why you can inhale the smoke of a conventional cigarette at all, while you can hardly breathe in the cloud of smoke from a campfire, although dried plants are burned in both processes, according to Chris Price of E-Cigarette Politics. Indeed, a few of the 9,600 ingredients in cigarette smoke that have been identified to date actually serve to make the smoke less irritating and keep the user from coughing. These anesthetics and cough medicines are not used for liquids and thus for vaping, which could be an explanation for the beginner's cough with electronic cigarettes.

The train technique

As mentioned at the beginning, a large proportion of vapers are ex-smokers. Unlike in Asia, for example, in Europe the smoke from a cigarette is first inhaled into the mouth and from there into the lungs. MTL vaping is the closest match to this habit. A cheek pull looks like you first draw the vapor into your mouth and only then inhale it. With devices that are optimized for sub-ohm vaping, the vapor is inhaled directly into the lungs (“direct lung”). Some vapers may find that the technique they used when smoking the e-cigarette causes them to cough and itch. This is also a plausible explanation for why these temporary side effects subside after a short time in experienced vapers. Surveys suggest that method makes a difference, at least for some vapers (E-Cigarettes Figures, Data & Facts in Germany). Ok, many of the respondents are unsure whether it was really the change in puffing technique that ultimately led to symptom relief, but at least 30% of respondents are sure that cheek vaping is crucial.

The flicker hairs are coming back

Smoking destroys the so-called cilia. These are small and hairy extensions of your airways, also called cilia. If you stop smoking, they will slowly grow back. The side effect of this regrowth is coughing. This explains why people often start coughing as soon as they stop smoking, among many other side effects, when one often thinks that the cough is caused by smoking. Yes, indirectly. But the cough after quitting smoking is a clear sign of improvement. It is therefore assumed that the cough in newcomers to vaping is caused by regrowth of the cilia. It remains to be clarified here, however, why one also coughs on the first puff on the steamer. It's probably a combination of many factors. But the fact of the matter is that in 90% of cases it will quickly diminish and eventually stop altogether.

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