How To Function On 3 Hours Of Sleep (8 Much-Needed Tips.)

Jul 6, 2022

3 min read

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Some people can function on only 3 hours of sleep. Any amount is better than none.

Let me guess: You clicked on this article because you’ve been up the entire night with barely any sleep? You could be reading this the day after or even reading this at around 4 am due to that addictive Netflix series.

Whatever the reason, you’ve clicked on this article to realize you’re not the only one who has to endure a long day looking like something out of the walking dead. 😴

Before we jump into the tips, let me briefly explain why I often struggle to sleep.

In case you didn't know, I suffer from insomnia along with anxiety, bouts of depression, GERD, PCOS, sleep paralysis, and occasional eczema and it all. f*****n. sucks.

All these things cause me to have very restless nights.

Anxiety. I worry about everything and anything, particularly things that happened more or less a decade ago.

Depression. I cry it out when I’m in bed because it’s a time when I can be alone with my neverending thoughts.

GERD. This is acid reflux. If I eat the wrong things, then heartburn can strike and I end up with that burning acid in the back of my throat, making me feel very uncomfortable.

PCOS. Polycystic ovary syndrome. When It flairs up, my stomach sure pays the price.

Sleep paralysis. This is when you wake up feeling unable to move, and you can often see shadows and demons in the bedroom with you.

Eczema. Uncontrollable itching. I usually suffer this under the backs of my knees, and it’s so irritating.

Netflix- Yes, sometimes I will binge-watch a show, and before I know it, it’s about 4.30 am.

I’m writing this post through squinted eyes, and it’s now 7.30 pm. There’s no way I can fall asleep now because I’m a mum, and I have lots of mum duties to complete before I can even think about going to sleep.

So how can we survive on 3 or fewer hours of sleep?

Number 1- Open curtains and windows.

When you finally crawl out of bed, get up and let the daylight in. Natural light signals our brains to be up and ready for the day. So open the window and soak in the morning sun.

Number 2- Drink some water

Dehydration can increase your fatigue. So it’s crucial to drink lots of water to save energy.

Number 3- Take a catnap

When you have some spare time, lay down and take a quick nap. Set an alarm on your phone for around 20 to 30 minutes in a dark, quiet room. Avoid going to bed because I’ve done this, and it’s impossible to wake up because you can get so comfy and warm and then fall into a deep, hard-to-get-out-of sleep that can leave you feeling disoriented.

So take time for a nap. This will help with intense sleepiness and improve your mental and physical performance.

Number 4- Caffeine

Coffee can help you stay awake, but you should be sure not to drink too much. Caffeine can help increase your alertness and give you a much-needed energy boost.

Number 5- Avoid a big lunch

Burger and chips? Skip it. Eating a large meal and stuffing your face will cause you to feel sluggish and increase tiredness.

Number 6- Stare at a bright light

This sounds weird but I swear it works. I usually turn the brightness up on my laptop or mobile, the brighter the better. The high-intensity light can charge you up during the day.

Number 7- Keep yourself stimulated

Stick on some loud music and clean the house. Do something that requires you to move around so you don’t sit down and fall asleep.

Number 8- Try to go to bed early

Now take a shower and go to bed at a reasonable hour. It’s vital to try and get back into a normal sleeping pattern.

I hope these tips have helped you in some way. Now I’m off to edit this article, publish it and crawl into bed. Goodnight my friends. ♥

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