How to Fix Smelly Drains in Bathroom?

Oct 28, 2022

3 min read

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We as humans are sensitive to odour, with some who can detect anything from a mile away. Speaking of smells and smelly drains in the bathroom, there's nothing more unsettling than getting ready to take a warm shower or bath only to be greeted with a foul smell from the bathroom drain.

When confronted with a bad bathroom drain odour, the first critical step is to determine the cause so that you may choose the best course of action to follow.

Your bathroom drain, like other plumbing fixtures in your house, can get blocked and emit a bad odour which often results in smelly drains in the bathroom.

The following are the most typical reasons for bathroom drain clogs and unpleasant smell from bathroom drain:

Dirt In The Drain

Various objects can get into your bathroom drain, resulting in blockage. A few sorts of debris that might clog your bathroom drain are as follows:

  • Human hair: Hair is the principal cause of most intractable drain jams. Long hair is especially problematic since it can coil up, mix with other contaminants, and stick to a particular section of the bathroom drain.

  • Pet hair: If you share the shower with your lovely pet, they are likely to contribute to the mess. Dogs and cats, like their human counterparts, lose hair which creates blockages in bathroom drains and pipes.

Mould And Mildew Development In The Drain

Mould and mildew are more likely to grow anywhere there is moisture that has been sitting for an extended length of time. The thick pathogenic and poisonous bio slime thrives in dark, moist environments. Bathroom drains and pipes, like other water-prone places in your house, provide an excellent environment for mould and mildew spores to thrive and spread.

Mould and mildew growth can cause blocked bathroom drains and emit odours throughout your bathroom space. Mould emits chemicals that may cause health problems in addition to foul odours. As a result, you should eradicate mould as soon as it appears to avoid smelly drains in the bathroom.

How To Fix Smelly Drains In The Bathroom

According to conventional thinking, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. There are several methods to keep your bathroom drain from getting clogged in the first place and fix smelly drains in the bathroom. They are as follows:

  • Use a plastic drain cover. If your hair or that of your hairy pet tends to shed a lot when washed, you may be proactive by using a drain cover to capture the hair. A drain cover will not only trap hair but will also keep other debris from entering the drain.

  • As an alternative to a plastic drain cover, use a wire mesh strainer. A fibreglass screen may be used to produce the wire mesh strainer. Place the screen down the drain hole and secure it on all sides with the drain cap. Regularly inspect the mesh for hair and other dirt.

  • Avoid oil and fat. Using a decent soap can keep your bathroom drain from clogging. Avoid using soaps that include grease or fat.

If the previous methods do not work and the blockage does not improve, you are likely looking at a long-term solution.

Don't allow blocked bathroom drains and unpleasant odours to deprive you of comfort in your house.

Therefore, opting for blocked drain services would be the best solution to get rid of these smelly drains.

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