How to Design a New Residence as per Vastu Consultation Services?

4 months ago

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These days, numerous people make new homes and decorate their houses with expensive showpieces and colours & combinations. They purchase luxury couches and beds to maintain their status in society. However, there is no peace in these houses despite having everything of convenience. This happens due to the wrong layout and structure of your house. Here, the concept of Vastu Shastra comes in front to guide you about the right layout of your house. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the Vastu consultation services when planning to build a new house or a building.

In this guide, you will learn how to design your new home according to the principles of the Vastu Shastra to attract abundance and happiness to your living space. So, be on it! 

What is Vastu Shastra and Why It is Important for Your Home?

The concept of Vastu Shastra came into existence several centuries ago. It is an ancient powerful system that works with your home’s layout and design based on the five natural elements (earth, fire, water, air, and space) and directions. Mainly Vastu Shastra comes into action to help individuals who are fed up with their life issues even after trying every possible remedy or way. To help such individuals, Vastu offers exceptional remedies that can assist in attracting positivity in your living space. 

Moving further, making a home according to the vastu is vital if you want to attract good luck in your house. It focuses on creating harmonious spaces so that people can live a healthy and happy life. In Vastu, every corner of your house plays an indispensable role in enhancing positivity and well-being in your home. It focuses on the direction of entrances, the arrangement of rooms, the placement of furniture, and even the use of colours or paints.

Last but not least, Vastu aims to maintain a balance between natural elements and promote health, wealth, and happiness. If your house is built as per the Vastu principles, it brings abundance, harmony, peace and prosperity to residents by aligning their living spaces with cosmic energies.

Key Indications to Design a New House as per Vastu Shastra

When it comes to building a new house, make sure to explore Vastu consultation services to create a fine layout of your house according to the Vastu Shastra. It will help you as follows:

Select an Ideal Site or Location 

When start searching for land or plots to purchase, make sure it adheres to Vastu principles. According to the Vastu Shastra, always opt for rectangular or square-shaped plots as these are auspicious in size. Also, do not purchase triangular or any other irregularly shaped plots. 

Pay Attention to the Orientation

Vastu states that the main entrance of your house must be towards the North, East, or Northeast direction. This permits the inflow of positive energy. It is strictly suggested that do not place the entrance towards the South, West, or Southwest directions.

Room Placement is Important

Each area of the house has deep meaning in the Vastu Shastra. Thus, rooms must be allocated according to their function and the direction they face. For instance, the Southwest corner of the house is ideal for the master bedroom. Along with this, make your kitchen in the Southeast corner of your house. When it comes to the placement of living and dining areas, these must be in the Northeast or North direction of the house. 

Maintain Balance between Natural Elements

To nourish your home according to the Vastu Shastra, there is a need to maintain balance among the five natural elements (space, earth, fire, water, and air) within your living space. It is recommended to incorporate natural materials such as stone, wood, and clay to increase earth element energy. To attain proper ventilation and sunlight to stimulate the flow of air and sunlight within your house, representing air and fire elements.

Ensure Proper Ventilation

Darkness and darker areas are the favourite places of the negative energies. Thus, make sure that all areas of your house have proper air and ventilation to maintain a healthy and positive living atmosphere. These days, many individuals do not place windows in their rooms which not only hinders the sunlight from entering the rooms but also interrupts the positive energy flow. Therefore, there must be windows and doors strategically placed in your house to permit the free flow of air throughout the house.

Colour or Paint Scheme

Once the construction work of your house is completed, it comes to colour or paint the whole house. Vastu Shastra strictly appeals to avoid dark colours. Instead of dark colours, paint your walls in soft and soothing colours including green, blue, white etc. These colours not only create a sense of calmness and tranquillity but also promote positive energy flow within your space. 

The Placement of Sacred Space Important

Worship space plays a significant role in your house. Therefore, designating a sacred space or puja room within the house for spiritual practices is necessary. It must be in the Northeast direction of your house. To attract more positive energies and blessings in your home, decorate it with symbols of divinity. 

Avoid Obstructions

It is suggested that do not construct houses near tall buildings, trees, or any other structures that hinder the natural flow of energy. Also, make sure that pathways within the house are free from clutter to facilitate the smooth flow of energy.

Water Features

Having fountains and small ponds within your house is often loved by individuals. Although these decorative water facilities enhance the look of your house but the right placement of these water elements is important. Thus, Vastu states to place these water bodies in the Northeast or North direction of the living space. An ideal placement of water bodies symbolises prosperity and abundance.

Place the Bed in the Right Direction

Vastu suggested positioning the bed in such a way that its headboard faces East or South while sleeping. It is highly recommended that do not position your bed below the beam or in line with the door.

The Final Thoughts

When planning to build a new house, there is a need for ideal planning and careful consideration of all the above-mentioned factors. Thus, do not forget to look for Vastu consultation services from a well-reputed and reliable Vastu consultant. They will help to create an exceptional layout and design for your house as per the Vastu principles. By designing the map of your home as per the Vastu principles, you can build a space that promotes abundance, harmony, prosperity, and well-being for all the family members. A Vastu complaint house always nurtures both physical and spiritual well-being. So, always meet an ideal Vastu expert who can guide you in the right direction.

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