How to Create Engaging Twitter Threads That Get Liked and Shared

Sep 8, 2022

4 min read

Write your own content on FeedingTrends

Twitter threads are a great way to engage with your followers and drive more traffic to your website. In this blog post, we will discuss how you can create engaging Twitter threads for yourself!

Steps to how you create your Twitter thread:

  • First, make sure that there is some sort of interesting content attached to the tweet. For example, a funny photo or video would be great! Make it fun and something worth sharing with others.

This will help people want to retweet your tweets as well! If this isn't possible, try to think of a catchy headline that will make people want to click on it.

  • Second, make sure that the tweets are connected in some way. Try not to just post random tweets one after another. This can be confusing for your followers and may cause them to lose interest.

Instead, make sure that each tweet is related to the one before it. For example, you can start with a question and then have each tweet be an answer to that question! You could also pick up where you left off and continue discussing something in the next tweets.

  • Finally, make sure your Twitter thread is long enough for people to want to read all of it at once! This is how you will get people to click on your website and want to read more about the content. If it's too short, then they may feel like there isn't enough information for them to care.

Benefits of posting Twitter threads:

Here are some of the benefits of posting Twitter threads:

  • They are often more engaging than a single tweet. People want to know how the story ends, so they will click on your website and check it out!

  • You can drive traffic to other pages of your website with Twitter threads because people may not see what is linked in each thread at first glance. This means that you have more chances to get people interested in your website!

  • They can help you build a better relationship with your followers. By providing interesting content, you are more likely to keep their attention and they will be more likely to retweet your tweets!

  • People often share Twitter threads on other social media platforms, such as Facebook or LinkedIn. This is how you can get more traffic to your website!

How can you track how well Twitter threads are performing? When and how should they be posted?

  • You may want to repost the thread on different days if it has been a while since you have last shared one. This is another great way that people will click on your website and check out the content!

  • You can use a tool like Twitter Analytics to track how well your threads are doing. This will help you determine how often you should post them, as well as how long they should be.

  • Try posting your thread at different times of the day to see which time gets the most engagement.

How should I use hashtags with my Twitter threads? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Use the most popular hashtags in your industry to help your tweets get more exposure.

  • Try using unique hashtags that are specific to the thread you are posting. This will help people who are interested in the content find it easier!

  • Use a mix of popular and unique hashtags to maximize your reach. This will help you get your Twitter thread in front of as many people as possible.

  • Make sure that the hashtags are relevant to your thread, otherwise, it will be difficult for people to find and engage with your content!

Here's how you can create a Twitter Thread:


  • First, make sure that you are logged into Twitter.

  • Then, click on the "compose new tweet" button and type in your message.

  • Next, add a hashtag to your tweet by typing # before the word or phrase.

  • After that, hit the "Tweet" button and your tweet will be posted!

  • To add another tweet to the thread, simply type in a new message and hit the "Tweet" button again. Repeat this process until you have finished your thread!

Remember, make sure that each tweet is connected to the one before it and that your Twitter thread is long enough for people to want to read it! If you follow these tips, you'll be able to create engaging and successful Twitter threads that will help promote your website!

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