How to Control Saturn?

6 months ago

4 min read

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saturn popularly known as Shani in Vedic astrology is the second largest planet and a slow-moving one. Astrologers say it has a strong effect on the horoscopes and individuals. There are both positive and negative effects of it on people and it is dependent on the position in the birth chart. Astrologers consider it auspicious if it is in the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 10th, and 11th houses, and inauspicious in the 4th, 5th, and 8th houses. Shani affects life, wealth, death, children and home and also has effects on health, finances, etc. Thus Saturn can do wonders for your life if it is in a favourable position and be inauspicious in a few aspects.


Positive And Negative Effects Of Saturn

It can make the native a great scholar with command over language or can turn gold to dust. But when Saturn is in your favour it can give you great success in many domains of business. On the other hand, a malefic Saturn can make an individual struggle in life. There is a high likelihood of losing wealth or facing imprisonment. Additionally, Saturn's transit has an impact on the 12 moon signs too. So, to negate the malefic effect of Saturn, one must take certain remedial measures.


Tips To Reduce The Negative Effects Of Saturn


Through Dress and Lifestyle

Every planet in the birth chart affects life and when there is a start of a specific period of a planet or it moves to a particular house in the horoscope, there are certain effects. Every planet associates with a specific color and controls life in many ways. To enjoy the fruits of the benefic planet or avoid its malefic effect, you should do certain things related to the planet. For Saturn, it is as follows:

  1. ● Wear black clothes and always keep your employees, labourers or servants happy to get blessed by Saturn.

  1. ● Pay due respect to the elders of your family, especially to your paternal uncle.

  1. ● Avoid consumption of non-vegetarian foods, eggs, fish or liquor.

  1. ● Do not buy iron articles on Saturday and do not consume milk at night.

  1. ● Do virtuous deeds or help others in need.



It is one of the best ways to connect with the almighty. It is also a way to request the almighty to give you the strength to overcome problems, heal you and keep the morale high. If you pray every day it gives you the power and hope to do your deeds. There is a specific deity associated with each planet, and praying to them appeases and pleases them to give you what you wish for. To get the blessings of Saturn, you should pray to Lord Shani. Offer black lentils and mustard oil and also worship Radha-Krishna. Worshipping Lord Hanuman who is the friend of Lord Shani can also help appease Saturn. So does worship of Kurma Avatar of Lord Vishnu.

Mantras as the best way to pray to Gods and Planets. They have great significance in astrology and every Mantra has a specific vibration and power that energizes a person who chants them. Chanting Shani Mantra is an easy way to get blessings. But one should do it with correct pronunciation and chant it a specific number of times. To get Lord Shani’s blessings, you should recite the Shani Beej Mantra “Aum Praam Preem Proum Sah Shanaishcharaye Namah”! And one should perform this 23,000 times.



Another way to demonstrate devotion to the almighty is by showing this. It also helps in purifying your internal and external body. It gives you the willpower to achieve things and is also a great way to appease the planets. Fasting on a particular day that is auspicious for a specific planet is the way to go about it. Saturday is the best day to fast to get remedies for your problems from Saturn.



Vedic astrology emphasizes Daan or donation greatly and regards it as one of the best methods to alleviate the ill effects of a planet. It also provides an opportunity to perform a benevolent act and absolve oneself of sins. One should undertake it with devotion and faith, devoid of any expectations. You should give the donation to an appropriate recipient. To pacify Saturn, one should perform donations on Saturday during Pushya, Uttara Bhadrapada, or Anuradha Nakshatra in the evening. The items for donation include black lentils, sesame seeds, black clothes, mustard oil, and a male buffalo.


Other Saturn Remedies

Apart from the above remedies, you have to do the following:

  1. ● Mop and clean the main passage of any temple or religious place.

  1. ● Do Chaya Patra Daan and feed wheat flour to bugs

  1. ● Help the differently abled people or the needy.


Saturn is a planet that gives outcomes based on your deeds. So do good Karma along with the above-mentioned remedies and Shani will bestow happiness. For more guidance on this matter, speak to astrologers from AstroVed

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