How to Connect With Your Spouse in a Time of Crisis

Aug 30, 2022

2 min read

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In your marriage, there will be times when a crisis comes and causes disharmony and trouble in your home. But you don't have to let various crises ruin your marriage. You can overcome life's challenges together with hard work, compromise, compassion, and sometimes marriage counseling. Here is how you can connect with your spouse during a crisis.

Show Empathy Often

If it is your partner that is going through a tough time, show as much empathy as possible. If he received a devastating and life-threatening diagnosis from his doctor, hug him and let him know that you're there to be a listening ear for him. When you show empathy, you are saying that you support him in his time of need.

Seek Professional Help

If you and your spouse feel that the crisis is too overwhelming for the two of you to handle on your own, then it may be time to get professional help from a marriage counselor. The counselor can get to the root of the problems and it gives the two of you the chance to air out your concerns in a safe space. You and your spouse will also learn new strategies that can help you get through the crisis.

Offer Your Support In Practical Ways

Another thing you can do is support your spouse in practical ways during a crisis. If your spouse lost her job, do your part by helping her with her job search and taking on a second job if necessary in order to keep the finances afloat in the home. If your husband's father died, offer to do some of the chores that he would normally do for a period of time.

Extend Forgiveness

During a crisis, you and your spouse will say harsh things to each other out of frustration. You'll need to forgive and apologize to each other as you get through the crisis together.

Increase The Physical Affection

There's something soothing about hugs and kisses that comfort your spouse during times of crisis. Be sure to shower each other with physical affection as often as possible because this is one of the best ways to connect with each other during a crisis.

Practice Active Listening

It's important to listen actively during your conversations with your spouse. Make sure you listen to understand your spouse, not immediately give your opinion or offer suggestions. Maybe your spouse isn't looking for solutions to the problem. She wants to be heard and feel that you were attentive to what she said.

Crises can disrupt the peace in your marriage but it doesn't have to be that way for a long period of time. With commitment, forgiveness, loyalty, and strong communication skills, you and your spouse can survive all kinds of hardships.

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