How to Clear a Blocked Sewer Drain in Keilor East?

Aug 25, 2022

3 min read

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Let's admit it, blocked drains are a huge pain in the neck. Sewage drains were designed to make life much easier for everyone, but once they get chocked of waste, it's going to be near impossible and not to mention, disgusting to deal with them. The best thing to do here is to quickly call a professional drainage service provider to deal with this annoying little problem of yours. Unblocking sewer drain pipes feel much easier when you have professional hands at work. So, what exactly causes a drain to become blocked?

What Are The Causes Of A Blocked Drain?

Blocked drains are a very common issue and can be caused by several factors. The most common cause is the accumulation of solid waste, which includes hair, food particles, grease etc. that can clog up the system pipes. Other things that can cause a blocked drain include heavy objects like rocks or bricks that accidentally fall into the sink and sinks that are too small to deal with excess water flow.

How To Clear A Blocked Sewer Drain In Keilor East?

If you notice a bad smell in your bathroom or around the exterior areas of your property, you may have a blocked drain. These less than desirable odours are often the first clue that something is wrong. A blocked drain means that sewage can't flow freely from your pipes and can cause some nasty problems if left untreated. So how do you unblock sewer drainpipes? There are a few simple steps you can take to deal with blocked drains. These include:

  • Stopping the water flow from getting to the drain by turning off the taps that are connected to your pipes.

  • Take a wire hanger, straighten it and then put one end down the kitchen sink or bathroom drain pipe.

  • Flushing out any grease or debris if you find your pipe blocked – pouring one kettle of boiling hot water down the drain pipe should do it.

  • If these problems continue, contact a specialist local plumber to clear your blocked drains and avoid further complications.

What Are The Tools Used For Unblocking Drains?

Blocked drains can have many causes, and professional plumbers have several ways to tackle them. Using the correct tools is essential if you want to unblock your drain. For example, when clearing hair and grease together with other organic materials, it's best to use mechanical drain rods. This tool looks like a mayonnaise bottle upside down with a wire at the end. The wire goes in the drain pipe and spins around clearing any debris or blockages. These tools come in different sizes, so you need to choose one that fits your pipes correctly if you find your pipe blocked.

Professionals have many different tools to clear the blockage in pipes and also the necessary skillset required to actually do it. It is always recommended to contact a plumber before trying to clear blocked drains in Keilor East yourself.


Blocked drains are a common problem for property owners, but you don't have to put up with them. With the help of professional drain specialists, you can unblock your drains and restore them to their original condition. Remember sewage drains were made to make life easier for all of us, so by getting down and dirty with them, we are actually ruining their purpose. The best thing to do is to call a plumber and get it done quickly!

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