How to be a Good Writer

Jul 7, 2022

3 min read

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How to be a Good Writer

I used to think for one to reach the status as “good writer”; they had to have a degree or something that proves authenticity that they are a good writer. That was back when I did not know the first thing about writing. A while later, I devoted a lot of time to researching and jotting down how to be a writer. Then it clicked. I spent so much time doing personal writing of my own towards my passion of writing, I didn’t even take into account that I was still doing a semblance of writing, even without a degree in it. Once I began trusting myself more, I began to learn, and develop vital skills that make me opportunistic to write. Today I am going to share the 3 most important tips on how to be a good writer.

1. Have Good Speaking Grammar

The first step to being a good writer is to have exemplary grammar. For the longest time I believed that you needed to read a whole dictionary and memorize all the words listed on each page, and thankfully, that was not the case. Good grammar can present a sense of strong devotion and listening from whatever it is you are using it for, whether it is speaking to someone, or using it for writing purposes. You would not want too, and always avoid using words that a young child would speak of, such as using non-existent words such as “gooder” or “brang”.

2. Have an Interesting Story to Convey to an Audience

When I, or anyone else is in the middle of a conversation with a friend, family, or whoever it may be, the last thing we would want to happen is to bore our listeners with something that they don’t care to listen to, or quite frankly, something we would not want to say. That belief works the exact same way when writing, because to truly encapsulate an audiences minds you need to always have an interesting story to tell. One of my professors at college once advised my class and I for a personal paper we had assigned to us; for us to fabricate the truth just a bit in order for your story to come out more interesting. Now I am not condoning for you to always use this trick, but when you truly feel like it is necessary, then you should use it.

3. Write Out of Passion

Most people who write usually do it out of having whatever they are writing; being assigned to them by professors, or their bosses. Depending on the type of person you are towards writing, if you are not at all passionate about it, then your writing can quite honestly turn out very bland and devoid of interest. I am a freshman in college, so you should automatically think that I get assigned writing assignments everyday, and you would be right. I always find a way to make whatever I have to write about seem enjoyable, and entertaining because of my passion towards writing.

Overall, writing is more of a hobby and lifestyle, than it is a requirement to me. The skills that I have factor in perfectly to the work that I had, am, and will continue to keep on doing. Once again, no you do not need a degree or certificate to write, just be you and be sure that you fulfill those requirements listed above. If you do, then congratulations! You are a writer.

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