How Do You Tell if One Is Committed or Not?

Relationship Expert

Oct 5, 2022

4 min read

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The act of being committed is based on “Will'', This inner action serves as a foundational drive towards pushing something or someone forward. Loyalty cannot be bought or forced, it only has to be earned. Humans are given the power of choice right from the day they were born, later growing up to utilize it and channel it to whatever they feel is best for them. Being able to tell if someone is committed or not is really a hard task, more like turning you into a detective in disguise might kind of suggest you join the FBI. Lol!!!

Anxiety and insecurity is the basic foundation of these questions. I understand you are scared. You don’t want to get hurt or go through heartbreak. That's why you have to be sure of the kind of person you are dealing with. Before you ask this question to judge your partners or people around you, you should probably ask yourself. Am I committed? You really have to be sure you are being straightforward with this person, willing to go billions of miles just to see this person smile. Once you are able to do this, then you can detect and know who is committed to you or playing games for you.

Trust: yea!! Trust, Do you trust yourself? What made you ask this question? Do you trust your partner or people around you? If you can’t learn to check yourself and reprogram yourself for better, then there is no need to choose to be a detective. When you learn to trust yourself, that same energy radiates to people around you and the ones that have ulterior moves against you will have no choice but to move away from you. I understand you might think people might want to play on that to hurt you, but you should know you aren’t Santa Claus who gives out anyhow. The power and will of your trust lies in your intuition and your brain.

Priority: this is the first thing you must check out with your partner or people around you. Are you classified as a 1st class person in their hearts or a third rate runner, mostly treated like a thrash? The act of treating someone as a priority gives them the idea of care, love and attention, making them see you as an angel that never leaves their side. Emotions are one of the soft spots of man and animals. If you show them love, they will find it hard to leave your side not even having any thought of it. Priority is the foundational fact. you should pay attention to get your answer.

Introduction to family and friends: when a man or woman shows you off to their family or friends, just have it in the back of your mind that you are a first- class person in his/her heart. Showing off to their friends and family is just to pass a simple, crucial message that “I trust and love this person”. It means they have decided to go all out for you just to see you smile and also it means they just give you a gun fully loaded and believe you are never going to pull the trigger.

Sharing of intimate thoughts: this part is very delicate to treat. Having someone who opens the gate to his world and shows you around isn’t a simple issue. A man’s secret is his weakest spot. People do have their own secret which they might never tell anybody, but you hook up with them. After some while, they decide to tell you this secret. You should know they don’t see you the way they met you at first, they now see you as a mirror. It is more like them talking to their themselves.

They talk about the future: some people are meant to be a chapter which you must cross off after some while with them. Not everybody is willing to add someone to their future goals. For your partner to share his/her future goals and adding you to it means; you have become a valuable, priceless asset they want to keep for life. They see you as a blessing and a big plus to every area of their life.

Him: Tell me about your future ambition

Her: I want to become an architect, designing cool buildings, bringing new ideas and creativity to play. What about you?

Him: I want to be your engineer, I want to build all the ideas you might ever think of. 

There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you are committed to something, you accept no excuses only results.

Art Turock

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