
Sep 7, 2021

1 min read

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Hope binds us all together. Hope is the medicine that cures us of the most incurable disease. 

Hope propels us forward, into the darkness, despite the hurdles in our path, not knowing how, when, where, or why our life's narrative will end.

Similarly, a mother is looking hopefully at the doors to enclasp her son. Here is a rhyme composition for that mother.


Every new morning,

When the beautiful sun rays kiss her cheek

The birds awaken her with their singing

She is craving for that one forehead peak


Her wrinkled face shining so bright

Tears rolling down her face

Waiting for that one figure to come to her sight

Tightly she wants that one longing embrace


Her inner voice assuring that he will come

With his echoes, the house will shimmer

Again her ears will hear, I love you, Mum!

Happy giggles will return to listen at the dinner.


Her hopes getting shattered away,

As the sun's touching the horizon

It's hard to swallow with each passing day

When will she meet her lovely son?


When we become successful, we often forget the hand that raised us, the back that supported us in our highs and lows. We forget our parents and their love for us. 

We are on the heights from where we can see everyone except our parents. Whereas the parents, especially our mothers, wait with a hope that we will come and lay our heads on her laps forever.

I would love to hear your views on the poem and this special bond in the comment box below.

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