High Achievement Thoughts

Jul 11, 2022

3 min read

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Flying white dove through life

I loved to read Robin Sharma before his book “The 5 AM Club”. After that book, I saw he was not the man and mentor I adored as a writer. I was highly disappointed. In comparison with the books before this one, it was fake.

Here are the twenty quotes Robin Sharma developed over the years of work before the 5 am thing. They may help you immeasurably if you make them your beliefs.

Here they are:

#1. Dream Big. Start small. Act now.

#2. Victims make excuses. Leaders deliver results.

#3. Clarity breeds mastery.

#4. Education is an inoculation against disruption.

#5. A problem is only a problem when viewed as a problem.

#6. All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.

#7. If you’re not scared a lot, you’re not doing very much.

#8. Where victims see adversity, extreme achievers see opportunity.

#9. The project you are most resisting carries your great growth.

#10. Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results.

#11. Criticism is the price of ambition.

#12. Potential unexpressed turns to pain.

#13. Ordinary people love entertainment. Extraordinary people adore education.

#14. Your daily behavior reveals your deepest beliefs.

#15. The only failure is not trying.

#16. Focus is more valuable than IQ.

#17. To double your income, triple your investment in self-development.

#18. Your excuses are nothing more than the lies your fears have sold you.

#19. A distraction addiction is the end of your creative production.

#20. Life is short. Be of use.

Regarding those quotes I can state some of my truths:

1. Simple and concrete vision for the wished life. Some call it vision — have you written one? I have. If someone wishes, the things happen, but the vision should repeat daily.

2. Permanent actions toward goals. The steps can be small and not so regular, we live dynamically, but there should be a movement. Staying in one place and the comfort zone is like self-killing. I always go out of my comfort zone. It took me two years to begin doing it. It’s scary, but this is the only way to win.

3. Creative imagination. I often see in my mind what I do. If there is a wish for money, I see in my mind what I will do with it already — I have it, so why not spend it? Or if I see myself as fit as I want and already know what I will wear.

4. Clear and honest relationships. People like to expect something from others and often are disappointed. They allowed it. I do not see my experience as a disappointment but as wisdom that is the key to successful friendship and partnership. Using simple words and listening to someone’s heart is a must.

5. Declare self. What happens after people develop and accept themselves as persons. They become more positive and magnetic to others in their professional field and life circles. The most important here is what creates harmony inside. When someone knows where they go, people sense it and follow.

6. Celebrating daily victories. I have a rule in my life — every day one pleasure — it can be a sweet cup of Costa coffee or something else. This way, I can greet myself for what I have done till now.

7. Gratitude. I am thankful for what I have — home, family, and everything in my life. I say it daily. This way, people attract more of what they want. Gratitude is a prayer.

8. Promises. They are given to be kept. If there is uncertainty in fulfilling them, better don’t tell fake words of promising. When I am not sure, I say: “I’m not sure”, The sentence “I promise” should be used if it will become true.

9. Enjoyment every day. Life is short, so every moment is special and unique. It won’t happen again, and it should become a treasure. There always are traces left.

That is what I thought about after reading Robin Sharma’s quotes. Think about them and find your truths. Make them your beliefs.

If people believe in themselves, great things start to happen.

For example, I may believe in you more than yourself, but if you do not, nothing starts to change.

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