Here Is What Good Introverted Leadership Looks Like

Mar 30, 2022

4 min read

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Photo by Rodeo Project Management Software on Unsplash

In today’s world, we are lucky enough to have platforms that fit the needs of all. Whether you are loud or quiet, big or small, you can have your voice heard.

However, we now live in a noisy world, and it can be hard to filter out what to listen to. And although we would hope that people having a voice will make things better, it appears we listen to each other less.

The hard part about a working environment is finding a way to link those voices together. To merge them to ensure that we are as productive as possible. And that is why company culture is so vital. It ensures that our voices are all heading in the same direction.

Nevertheless, we still need to manage different personalities, races and genders. And all of these differences bring their benefits to excelling the company goals. Yet, they present us with challenges.

One of these challenges is the conflict between extroverted and introverted individuals. It is vital to point out that these two personality traits are often misunderstood.

Extroverts are often seen as loud and bubbly people. They always want to go out to parties and love being kept informed. And introverts are seen as the quiet type who would rather spend time alone.

Although these stereotypes have some truth to them, it is not the complete story. Extroverts are simply those who get energy from being around others, and introverts get energy from being by themselves.

With this in mind, introverted leadership probably does not look like a shy person in the corner sending emails about what to do. Instead, it is a type of leadership I believe we can all benefit from.

Putting Their People First

Extroverts handle things very different to introverts, as you would expect. Extroverted individuals tend to work well in groups and are pretty easygoing, so they tend to be more likeable.

Due to this nature, extroverts always appear to be the best team player. Extroverted leaders find it easy to huddle around a whiteboard and start brainstorming. By doing this, they get to a good solution that they hope involved everyone.

However, introverts are better at solving problems on their own. And as leaders, they are better equipped to gather the views and insights of others and try to find the balance by themselves.

Although this approach seems long-winded, it allows the introvert to think deeply about the problem. That is why introverts tend to be slow to speak. But when they do, it tends to be well constructed.

This approach to problem-solving is unique to introverts, and it allows them to put their people first. To be effective, they must listen to the views of their team. It is also essential that they ask questions to ensure they are clear on their team’s suggestions.

Introverted leadership is all about bringing the collaboration of your team inwards. In doing so, they help focus all ideas towards one centric point that helps make a final decision.

By ensuring all voices are heard and considered, introverted leaders are best prepared to make good decisions for their team. And this tends to be a great way to show off what good introverted leadership looks like.

They Create Open Environments

It is a common misconception that introverts create awkward environments. There is a difference between introverted and awkward individuals, and we must not put them in the same basket.

Introverted individuals tend to be very much involved in the environment around them. As they spend most of their time gaining energy by themselves, they are highly in touch with their environment.

Introverts treasure their environments because it allows them to be their best selves. And introverted leaders tend to spend much of their time ensuring that their environment brings about their team’s flourishing.

Environments are everything, and a lot of people tend to forget this. I have found it is easier for extroverted leaders to potentially forget this as collaboration tends to be their focus. As a result, they focus more on getting people involved than allowing people to be their best selves outside of the group.

Also, because of the nature of introverts, being the centre of attention is not something they seek to do. As a result, they tend to allow other people in their team to develop their skills and stand out.

By creating a healthy environment, introverted leaders allow team members to operate as their best selves. And this can often lead to better ideas and greater independence for team members.

Good introverted leadership is about building an environment that allows people to flourish. And that starts with being in touch with your environment and creating systems that allow both yourself and your team to thrive.

Closing Thoughts

They may not talk as much, and sometimes they may go unnoticed, but introverted leadership is still leadership. Both extroverts and introverts have a lot to offer when it comes to leading organisations. They also both have a lot to learn from each other too.

Introverts need to learn the value of working things out together. By doing this, team members can bond over the problem and get better at sharing their own ideas.

Extroverts need to learn the ability to be patient with the problem-solving process and take time to formulate their ideas. By doing this, they can become more effective communicators.

Introverted leadership is a style of leadership that tends to go under the radar. However, it is present in many of our organisations, and when done correctly, it can add much value.

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