Help Philanthropy Publication Get To 100k Following! Creativity

Jul 3, 2022

3 min read

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How To Make Your First $1000 Blog Flipping

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Nomatter the size of a writer’s following, the ability to define a work-life balance is the key to discovering how to build a remarkable portfolio as a writer. The opportunity to strategize, research, and gain insightful data doing the Writer’s Challenge is indeed something to share with the world for inspiration. Writers, this is the opportunity to take all things not ordinary and express its uniqueness. The beginning of all things creative is a journey of being unique or defining its difference. “If money was no object…”

A little too late, well not really? This year, Medium did quite a few things out of the ordinary. The Medium Writers Challenge, “a chance for writers to share their best ideas with an esteemed panel of judges and millions of Medium readers — plus, an opportunity to win $50,000”. (Hall, Jermaine. “Introducing the Medium Writers Challenge.” Medium, 3 Min Read, 29 Sept. 2021.)

Can you say how cool that was?! And then, Medium changed the eligibility requirements for the Medium Partnership Program. Let’s just say, that after reading this article, the choice to become a Medium member increases! You’ll see why becoming a member through Medium’s eligibility requirements is an opportunity worth experiencing; A little too much to grasp, but enough to understand, the creativity behind its productivity.

Medium is always finding ways to challenge its writers and readers. Through these different challenge opportunities, writers are given the chance to create their own. So, let’s get straight to the point! Join me in developing writing skills through niche writing. Starting January 3rd, the Writer’s Challenge, will allow you to have the ability to build your followers, showcase your writing skills, and build your portfolio.

‘Creative writing articles and other documents for a fee (build your portfolio)

In addition to traditional print media, many websites pay authors for writing articles. Internet platforms make it possible to put freelance writers and employers in contact. You will also find writing offers for different types of documents, including technical writing, but also proofreading and correction, translation, etc. I intend to test these platforms soon, but if you already have experience in this area, do not hesitate to share it in the comments.

Start a professional blog (the reason building your followers is important)

Blogs are all the range, and some bloggers manage to make a living from their activity, sometimes very well. Be careful, there are several ways to make money with a blog, the best-known being advertising, but only the sale of products and services, through sponsored links (affiliate programs) or, better, by your own creations (e-books, training videos, coaching, etc.) will allow you to derive sufficient income from them. The secret is to find a strong theme to write about. We will talk about it soon.

Write for Publications (showcase your writing skills)

A long-standing profession if there is one, the public writer (who offers administrative or private writing assistance to third parties) has not disappeared in the age of the Internet and social networks. There are even university training courses in this area today. There are also writers who specialize in writing articles for publications wishing to create a written record of their portfolios. By the way, I am a creator. I enjoy all things creative.

I’m excited to read about your experience! Please, become a follower, write in the comments, or share your stories. Creative writing builds remarkable experiences and is a great way to share ideas with the world. Use your creativity to transform the inner writer within.


100 followers per week is a great strategy to building long lasting relationships on Medium. Thus, 20 writer engagements per day (Monday — Friday) through supporting writers by reading their articles, and leaving a comment, clap, or follow (weekly engagement with 100 writers). To sum it up, being able to transforms ideas into content, pen down your thoughts, ideas, plots, and anecdotes, convert them into an eBook or PDF version, and monetize on the value words through content engagement.

Write your own content on FeedingTrends