60 Healthy Lifestyle Quotes To Live Healthy Life

Nov 3, 2021

13 min read

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Everybody wants to live a healthy lifestyle, but only a few make it happen because developing healthy habits requires immense willpower. 

Motivation can be sought from anywhere. So, here is the list of healthy lifestyle quotes for you all to develop a healthy lifestyle:-

1. Strength does not come from physical capacity, it comes from an indomitable will. - Mahatma Gandhi

A healthy lifestyle can only be achieved when your will is not moved by anyone and anything. This healthy lifestyle quote suggests you to stay strong and dedicated.

2. The gym is my anchor and it’s what keeps me grounded.

Get up and hit the gym! Sweat, until you are proud of yourself.

3. You will achieve your goals with a lot of little steps.

Living a healthy life can be achieved only by taking small steps and by being consistent with your goal. Train your mind to take small steps each day until it becomes a habit.

4. Your body can stand almost anything. it’s your mind that you have to convince. - Andrew Murphy

Let me tell you that your body is capable of each and everything if you have that indomitable, willpower to do so. Each and every day you will have to get up early, get out of your comfort zone, and work out in order to live a healthy lifestyle.

5. Train your body to crave healthy food.

The first and foremost step towards a healthy lifestyle is giving your body nutrition. Eating food rich in nutrients, will for sure give you good health.

This healthy lifestyle quote motivates you to have a healthy diet.

6. Exercise to be fit, not skinny.
Eat to nourish your body.

Being skinny has become a global trend but the fact is that you should exercise to keep your body fit and active as well as eat food that will nourish your body and prepare it for the rest of the day.

7. Never give up because great things take time.

Developing a healthy lifestyle requires a lot of time and therefore, you should have more and more patience. Success takes time, remember that. So, stay focused and be consistent.

This healthy lifestyle quote should be the first and foremost mantra for all of us.

8. If you learn self-control, you can master anything.

Mastering emotions is like ultimate winning. The one who can control their emotions can achieve anything they want, be it a healthy lifestyle or any other goal.

9. Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.

Get up and just do it. No more excuses. Make it happen no matter what. Remember that a healthy lifestyle cannot be achieved in a day or two.

10. Yoga is the fountain of youth. You are only as young as your spine is flexible.

Practicing yoga on a daily basis is also the criterion of a healthy lifestyle. It will keep not only your body fit but will also give you glowing and youthful skin.

11. Move daily, hydrate often, sleep lots, love your body, repeat for life.

Plan your lifestyle-workout daily, drink plenty of water, sleep 8 hours a day, and most importantly, be consistent. 

12. Never say never, because limits, like fears, are often just mere illusions.

Just like fear, limits are just mere illusions. As soon as you start pushing your limits, I bet you, the risk and efforts will be worth it, at the end of your journey.

Another healthy lifestyle quote that should always be in our minds.

13. Gratitude keeps the devil away but when we complain, he is here to stay. - Joyce Meyer

One of the foremost important habits to live a healthy lifestyle is to be thankful for each new day, for each new opportunity.

14. Sometimes you just need to disconnect from the world and enjoy your own company.

Leaders often spend some time alone contemplating their day which gives them a deep insight into themselves.

15. It’s not about going hard for a month and burnout, it's about being consistent for a lifetime.

Be consistent, be patient, rest will follow. This healthy lifestyle quote motivates you to be consistent, no matter what happens.

16. Remain calm in every situation because peace equals power.

Calmness equals power. Be calm and stay focused.

17. Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going.

Build solid habits to create a healthy lifestyle.

18. Prayer is the cure for a confused mind, a weary soul, and a broken heart.

Have faith in God, pray daily. This will cure your soul and mind.

19. Fitness is about improving every single day. That’s what life is all about.

Push yourself. This healthy lifestyle quote motivates you to work for it and make progress each day.

20. The best project you will ever work on is you.

You know what’s impressive ….your fit body, your sharp mind, and your beautiful soul. So, work to improve yourself.

21. Never let yourself get too comfortable. Seek challenges, push yourself and ignore what others think.

Get out of your comfort zone Set a goal and take it as a challenge.

22. Improving your health and fitness will teach you hard work, consistency, and patience.

Focusing on the betterment of yourself will teach you life lessons for which you will be grateful for life.

23. Tough times don’t last, tough people do. -Robert H. Schuler

This is a quotation from a very famous motivational speaker, Robert H. Schuller. Tough people last because they can compete with any difficult situation because of their perseverance.

24. Train like a beast, look like a beauty.

All of us want to feel strong and confident in everything we do: from fitting into jeans to lifting heavy objects. In order to achieve that, train hard and make your body fit and beautiful.

25. Sometimes you won’t feel like working out, but then you do it and it makes your day.

Fight against all the odds, be focused, and never ever give up. Take rest but never quit.

This healthy lifestyle quote says that not every day will be yours but you have to keep trying and wait for the right day or make one.

26. Focus on how far you have progressed, not how far you still have to go.

To live a healthy lifestyle, a strong mind is required which will always see the positive side of your goal.

27. Make HEALTH and FITNESS a priority and you will never miss a workout.

Love yourself and focus on improving yourself bit by bit. One day all your efforts and even your smallest steps towards your goal will be worth it.

28. Focus on your goal, don’t look in any direction but ahead.

Don’t focus on obstacles, rather focus on your target. The focus will give you direction to move ahead in your life and live a carefree and healthy lifestyle.

29. Your body is a reflection of your lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle can be attained through healthy habits.

This is the reason why it is said that your body and mind are a reflection of your lifestyle.

30. Get up early, clear your desk, tie your hair, make some coffee and start working for your future.

Keep in mind that this life is yours, so no matter what, work like hell and make it better.

31. Eating well is a form of self-respect.

What you eat is what you reflect. So, eating is a form of self-respect for yourself, your body, and your mind.

32. This healthy lifestyle requires you to be disciplined, which is training for both your mind and body.

This healthy lifestyle quote suggests that discipline is a must for a better lifestyle. Once you get disciplined, your body and mind will automatically follow.

33. Exercise is the spark, nutrition is the fuel, without both, there can be no flame, no results. -Bill Philips

This is a very famous quotation by Bill Phillips. Workout and a balanced diet both are equally necessary for a healthy and fit body.

34. If it doesn’t challenge you, it does not change you.

Challenge yourself each day. Work for the betterment of yourself. Do things that scare you the most and one day you will be able to overcome all your fears.

35. Let exercise be your stress reliever, not food.

Comforting yourself with food is not a sign of a healthy lifestyle. Let exercise be your stress reliever.

36. Health is a relationship between you and your body.

Health is like a relationship, the more you take care of your body, the healthier you become. 

37. Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional.

We are responsible for our own life. Either we take the challenge or run away from it. The choice lies in our hands.

38. When the vision is clear, strategy is easy.

Remain firm on your goal. If you fail, change your strategy, not your goal, and that's what this healthy lifestyle quote suggests.

39. Every day is another chance to get stronger, to eat better, to live healthier, and to be the best version of you.

Be the embodiment of optimism, make use of the opportunities you get, eat well, get healthier and live a healthy lifestyle.

40. Our growing softness, our increasing lack of physical fitness, is a menace to our security.

Ignorance of public health has always proved a great threat to society.

41. Get up every morning and tell yourself “ I can do this.”

Get up each day with the sheer joy of joy and hope. Tell yourself that you are capable and you can do this. Positivity can get you wherever you want.

42. Slow progress is better than no progress.

Whenever you feel like quitting, remember the story of a race between the rabbit and the tortoise. Making slow progress is like an embodiment of laziness for society. But the truth is that slow progress is way better than making no progress at all.

43. The secret to success: Stop wishing, start doing.

Stop dreaming about success, rather work hard to make all your dreams come true.

44. Put all your excuses aside and remember this: You are capable. -Zig Ziglar

Never ever doubt yourself and remember, you are capable of achieving great heights in life.

45. Work on your weaknesses until they become your strengths.

If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, then work for it. Work so hard that even your smallest weaknesses become your greatest strengths.

This healthy lifestyle quote is for all the hard workers who never settle for less.

46. Addicted to bettering yourself.

Get addicted to improving yourself, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Push your limits. Reach your goal.

47. Two things you can control-Attitude and Effort.

Failures can be disheartening, but it is your attitude towards them that will decide your destiny. There are things you cannot control but attitude and effort can be controlled.

48. To get the results you want, you don’t have to be extreme, just consistent.

Consistency is the key and this healthy lifestyle quote suggests the same.

Don’t become desperate for your results, rather be consistent in your practice, results will follow.

49. Committing to a consistent workout routine and nutrition will not only build your body, but it will also build your mind.

Commitment towards the thing you do will always take you to great heights no matter how hard it is.

50. It takes 21 days to create a habit, it takes 90 days to create a lifestyle.

It has been scientifically proven that it takes 21 days to build or break a habit and 90 days to create a lifestyle. Commit to practicing good habits until it becomes part of your lifestyle.

51. Improving your health and fitness is an investment in yourself that you will never regret.

Upgrading your health is like an investment that you will never ever regret.

52. It’s not just about fitness goals, it’s about building solid habits.

Don’t make fitness your goal, make it a habit so that it impacts your whole life.

53. Nothing is impossible. If you dedicate your mind towards a goal every day, you will find a way to make it happen.

This healthy lifestyle quote says that you can achieve anything and everything in your life if you decide it in your mind.

54. The groundwork for all happiness is good health. -Leigh hunt

Your health affects your mood in a great way. And if you are in a good mood your productivity automatically increases. Therefore, the foundation of all happiness is good health.

55. Health is not about the weight you lose. It’s about the life you gain.

Give away the myth that health is all about being skinny and losing weight. It’s all about being fit and active.

56. It’s never too early or too late to work towards being the healthiest you.

Being healthy is not restricted to a certain age or time. If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, you can start today.

57. Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it.

We understand the value of anything, be it people, money, health, etc. until and unless we lose it. So guys, understand that health is wealth and value it.

58. Being healthy and fit isn’t a trend, instead, it's a lifestyle.

Fitness should not be merely a trend or an of and on fashion, rather it should become a major part of your lifestyle.

59. Where you are a year from now is a reflection of the choices you choose to make right now.

Your choices determine your future. This healthy lifestyle quote says you to make your choices wisely. 

60. Nothing is impossible. If you dedicate your mind towards a goal every day, You will find a way to make it happen.

Dedication and reckless pursuit towards your goal will help you achieve anything in this world.

Creating a healthy lifestyle is not that difficult. Take small steps and always remember to congratulate yourself on even your smallest achievements. You will see how these small steps will make a big difference. Stop making excuses and get going. It’s your life and you're going to make it. 

Follow your passion, eat healthily, be grateful and most importantly never ever quit. Just hustle.

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