40 Google Search Trick You Didn'T Know

Apr 30, 2022

9 min read

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If you want to search on Google like a ninja to improve your chances of finding what you’re looking for we’ll show you 40 Google search tricks for use on Google, most people don’t know about and we’re starting right now, we’ll go through each of Google Search Tricks quickly. In five different categories, we’ll begin with the basic search tips that often get overlooked with the Google Search Tricks and tips for advanced users.

1.      Basic Google Search Tricks

1st Google Search Trick - you’ve all heard the phrase less is more. When doing your initial search, keep the number of words to a minimum, avoiding any unnecessary words, three or fewer keywords is a good rule to follow. For example, if you want a tutorial on how to write code for the python computer programming language just use the keywords, python, programming, and tutorial. From here add additional keywords: if necessary to narrow down the search results, click on tools, you have two choices: you can filter When the content was published, anytime is the default you can select from the past hour up to the past year or select a custom range and for all results. Selecting verbatim will only list results that include all search terms with the exact spelling.

2.      Image Search

The next Google search trick is when you’re doing an image search the tools. The tab can be quite handy as well, you can filter by size, color, type, time, and usage rights. The usage rights filter is beneficial for those of you looking for images with creative commons licenses to use in your projects, you’ll notice to the right of each URL in the results, There’s a drop-down arrow cached that is useful for those times when a site goes down and you want to view a snapshot of that page.

3.      Protection From Explicit Content

Next Google search trick, the last time Google’s web crawler was on that side and sometimes you’ll see a “similar option”. For example, selecting similar, next to the wayfarer homepage, URL will list results for sites like Wayfair to help protect your children from explicit content or to protect yourself while at the office. From not safe for work, search results, go to settings in the lower right and select Search settings here at the top click in the box to turn on safe search. While Google admits it isn’t 100% accurate, it’s better than nothing at all.

4.      Voice Search

Next Google search trick, by now, I’m sure most of you know how to do a voice search on your mobile device. Google voice search is also supported in the chrome desktop browser, to activate it, click the microphone icon in the search box. Here’s an example, hotel California lyrics from here on out, I’ll use the voice search when possible or when it makes sense.

5.      Useful Search Terms

Next Google search trick, let’s now take a look at some of the more useful search terms and types of searches. To get the definitions of a word add define before the word define anomaly: here’s the definition of anomaly, something that deviates from what is standard normal or expected. To get the origin of a word, Add etymology before the word anomaly.

6.      Word Pronunciation

Next Google search trick, if you’re learning the English language, using the word pronounce followed by the word you want to learn, it will give you the pronunciation schedule, then click on the speaker schedule up on the right. You can choose from the American and British pronunciation schedules to translate a word to another language following the word add-in and the name of the language.  

7.      Weather

What would you say to get the current weather at your location, just type or say weather, to get the weather for another location, use the word weather, followed by that location, weather Las Vegas, “its 66 degrees and clear in Las Vegas”.

8.      Holiday List

Next Google search trick, to find out the date of an upcoming holiday search, the name of the holiday, for Example:  Mother’s day in the United States will be on Sunday, May 9, 2021. For a specific year, the name of the holiday, followed by the year, “Father’s day 2022”, Father’s day in the United States, will be on Sunday, June 19. 2022.

9.      Customer Service Phone No.

Next Google search trick, if you’ve ever had trouble finding the customer service phone number for a company, search for the name of the company, followed by the words customer service. For Example: Dell customer service, The customer service number for dell is +1800-624-9897

10.   Current Stock Price Of Company

Next Google search trick - to find out the current stock price, use The name of the company, followed by the words stock price, we’ll use the parent company of Google which is Alphabet “stock price alphabet inc class”, Alphabet closed up +0.79 on Friday at 1567.70. If you happen to know the stock ticker symbol, you can just use that “aapl” Apple, closed down -1.4 percent on Friday at 119 dollars and two cents. 

11.   Nutritional Information

Next Google search trick, getting nutritional information about your favorite foods is fast and easy. You could do a general search like this one blueberry. According to Wikipedia, blueberries are perennial flowering plants with blue or purple berries over here on the right, pane scroll down and look for the nutritional facts blueberries appear to be a great source of dietary fiber and vitamin C.

12.   Menu in Restaurant

Next Google search trick - You can search for specific items at your favorite restaurant, McDonald's, big Mac according to Wikipedia the big Mac, is a hamburger sold by the international, fast food, restaurant chain, McDonald's. Let’s go to the nutritional facts and look at the nutritional information spinning this in a positive light. If you’re looking to gain weight, it appears the big Mac is an excellent source of saturated fat.

13.   TV Shows

Next Google search trick, you can easily search for information about your favorite TV shows and movies. Here are a few examples: “Breaking Bad characters” The characters in breaking bad include Walter White, Jesse Pinkman, Gus Fring, and others. “Top Gun Maverick budget” The budget for Top Gun maverick was 152 million dollars. “No time to die”, the cast of no time to die includes Daniel Craig, Rami Malek, and six others.

14.   Information about Celebrities

You can also get information about your favorite celebrities. Here are examples for you, “Tom Cruise height” tom cruise is five feet seven inches tall, “Clint Eastwood age” 90 years old, “Tom Brady's wife”, the wife of Tom Brady is Giselle Bunchen.

15.   Search by Location

Let’s move on to the Next Google search trick, search by location, at the end of your search put the name of the city or zip code “89104” listings for tacos around Las Vegas.

16.   Reverse Image Search

Reverse Image Search is lesser-known but might come in handy to find out if you’re not getting credit for your original images on other sites. On the Google search Homepage, click on images in the upper right in the search box and select the camera icon. You can upload an image on your computer or paste the image URL, to get the URL for the image from a website by right-clicking the image and select copy image address, go back, paste it into the box, and click search by image. You can choose from small, medium, large, or all sizes.

17.   Shopping

Next Google search trick  - While Amazon gets a ton of attention and free advertising from the bloviating media, you might find better options elsewhere, sometimes with better prices. Enter your search of what you’re looking for, in this case, I’ll go with internal SSD, now at the top, click the shopping tab to narrow down your selection. There are filters along the left that will help you.

18.   Calculation and Conversion

Next Google search trick, If you need help with math, Google search can help you to solve an equation quickly “5 times 18 divided by 2 minus 16”. The answer is 29. There’s also this handy calculator. If you need to do more math with other calculators, you can search for "include a tip calculator" and they even have a mortgage calculator. That is helpful when you’re planning to buy a home or refinance your mortgage. The unit converter is extremely useful when comparing data. Here’s an example: 8 degrees Celsius, 2 Fahrenheit, 8 degrees Celsius – is 46.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

19.   Convert different Data

Next Google search trick, you can also use to convert other types of data as well, here’s how to easily convert currency by comparing the first unit value with the second, 100 US dollars to Ethiopian bur, 100 dollars, which equals 3710 Ethiopian bursts.

20.   Time and Travel

Next Google search trick, we’ll call this category time and travel to set a timer search set. To find the time the sun will rise or set, search, “sunrise or sunset”, followed by the city, name “sunrise San Diego”. In San Diego today, the sun will rise at 6:56 a.m. and today sunset is at 6:10 p.m. To get the current time in another city, search time in Denver, the time in Denver Colorado is 7 32 a.m. To check the difference in time from your location to another city, insert the name of the city followed by the word ‘to’ and the name of the other city, followed by the word time, New Orleans to New Delhi time, New Delhi, Delhi, India is 10 hours and 30 minutes ahead of New Orleans Louisiana

21.   Airfare

Next Google search trick, if you’re planning a trip to find the cost of flights from the various airlines, use the same search as the previous example. Without the word ‘time’ in the end, “new Orleans to New Delhi flights” from New Orleans to New Delhi, leaving on the 26th of October and coming back on the 8th of November start at 880. To check the status of a flight enter the flight number data, 910, from Los Angeles to New Orleans is scheduled and departs in 9 hours and 34 minutes also.

22.   Local Places

Next Google search trick, when planning a trip to easily find local attractions search, the name of the city or country “Sydney”, here is some information about Sydney, Sydney, the capital of new south Wales and one of Australia's largest cities Is best known for its harbor front Sydney, opera house with a distinctive sail-like design in the card here on the right. Under the plan a trip, click the associated travel guide. Here you can find the things you can do while visiting that location, using search operators is great when trying to narrow down your search.

23.    Results from specific Website

Next Google search trick, Here are some of our favorites to see the results from a specific website, type “site colon and the name of the site”. With no space to find certain information from that site, add a space to the end of the query, followed by your search term. Earlier in this article, I showed you how to find similar websites.

24.   To find a specific File on a Site

Next Google search trick, Here’s another way, type a related colon and again with no space, the name of the site to get search results with a specific file type listed. “Type file, type colon without a space, any known extension in this case, we’ll go with pdf, add a space, and your search term”, you’ll now see results linking directly to the file type you entered. The search operator I use most often excludes words and sites from the results.

25.   To find Search Results from a specific Country

Next Google search trick, when you only want search results from a specific country, first, enter in your search: query I’ll, go with “lasagna recipes”, add a space, site colon and the TLD which stands for the top-level domain for that country. Examples of TLDs include “us” for the United States, “uk” for the United Kingdom, and “in” for India. For this search, I’m using it for Italy to find an exact match for a sentence on a web page or music lyrics, put your search term inside of quotation marks using the search operator or capitalized lets You perform two searches in one.

Here’s another example of this: one we’ll go with Tom, Hardy, or Cruz. If your memory ever lets you down and can’t remember a word, the asterisk is a useful wild card that can help you in your search to find web pages. With your keywords in the title type in title, colon, no space, and your search term, this also works with the URLs of web pages; just replace the title within the URL.

Another option Instead of remembering the search operators is to do an advanced search in the lower right. Select settings and advanced search, this can also be quite useful to narrow down the results. I keep this page bookmarked for those times. You need to do a complex search

So these were my 40 Google search tricks. Thanks for Reading.


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