Goals for My 35th Year

Jul 3, 2022

2 min read

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I turned 35 in June and have spent a few weeks sulking about it, while also contemplating why I should really make this year count. I feel like by 35 we really are expected to have out shit together, I absolutely do not have my shit together.

I have a good job, I rent a nice house (emphasis on the rent, and by nice I mean it’s a good size in a nice area, it’s actually little shabby), I am in good health, I exercise 3–4 times a week, I am married and actually want to stay married to my husband, who is the father of my child, and my child is awesome. So I guess on paper I am doing well.

However, I just feel like everything I do is half arsed, I do well in work but I don’t try particularly hard, if I tried harder I could earn a lot more (a get a commission based bonus). I had a business that was going really well but had to close, I have set up another one since and don’t put half as much effort into as I should, however it’s doing ok and could be a lot better. I run and lift weights but am progressing at such a snail pace that it’s hardly noticeable, if I got my diet in check I would be making a lot more progress. I paid of £24,000 of debt and then just decided to stop and have hovered at £3,000 for over a year, which has now crept back up to £4,000. You get the idea! It’s like I constantly stop myself from doing really well.

I really want to stop doing that, so I have set myself some goals for my 35th year.


  1. Be debt-free by the time I am 36.
  2. Get my savings put up to £3000 (Currently £1428.57)
  3. Have £10,000 in my bank on payday (After my pay goes in)


  1. List 365 new listings in my 35th year on both Etsy and Ebay
  2. Write 365 Medium Articles
  3. Post onto my Instagram and TikTok every day


  1. Run a 10km (The Furthest I have done so far is 7km)
  2. Loose 2 Stone by the time I am 36 (Currently 15 Stone 9)
  3. Get my waist down to at least 33inches (Currently 36)
  4. Be able to do an unassisted Pull Up (Currently got not chance!)
  5. Squat 100kg (Currently can do 12x50kg)


  1. Read 5 Books
  2. Book a Trapeze/Circus Skills Lesson
  3. Find a Roller Skate Club for adults

So these are my goals, I am hopefully going to do weekly updates with some progress on them, which will help towards my 365 medium articles!

Do you have any goals you are currently working on? If so let me know what they are?

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