60 Empowering Quotes Describing the Beauty of Being a Woman

Jul 17, 2022

10 min read

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We often hear about the beauty of women, but how often do we hear about how beautiful girls can be?

From this article, you'll find 60 empowering quotes that not only encourage girls to be themselves, but also celebrate their uniqueness and strength.

1 “Trust your beauty to shine from your eyes and into the souls that deserve you.”- Melody Carstairs

Our first girl beauty quote inspires light in the eyes, warmth in character, and love in the heart. 

This quote says that a person's line of sight is where beauty genuinely exists, but no matter how others may perceive them, that person will always remain beautiful in their own perspective. "Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder," said Plato. Although the definition of beauty can take many different shapes, it is always held in the eyes.

2 "You are blind to a woman's beauty when you first see her. Only after getting to know a woman can her full beauty be seen.- Richelle E. Goodrich

That’s how you describe beauty with perfection, right? This girl beauty quote reveals the true beauty of a bright woman.

3 She eventually realised that she was ferocious, strong, and full of fire, and that she could not control her desire since it outweighed her anxieties.- Mark Anthony

This girl beauty quote shows the characteristics of a self-made, beautiful strong woman.

4 The world requires powerful women. Women who will uplift and strengthen others and who will both love and be loved. bold women who are both kind and strong. women with unbreakable will.- Amy Tenney

Only a woman of strong character can help you lift your soul. This girl beauty quote shows intense fire while describing the strength of true beauty.  

5 I am too resourceful, too brilliant, and too demanding for anyone to be able to manage me completely. Nobody fully understands or loves me. I just have myself.- Simone de Beauvoir

This encouraging girl beauty quote by Simone de Beauvoir, a feminist and social thinker is truly inspirational.

6 No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

There’s no need to feel inferior, ever! 

7 Be a first-rate version of yourself, not a second-rate version of someone else.- Judy Garland

This girl beauty quote talks about the originality of personality.

8 A girl should be two things: who and what she wants.- Coco Chanel

A woman can be anything she wants to be. This girl beauty quote liberates and sets a budding girl’s dreams free. 

9 When half of us are held behind, none of us can succeed. We exhort all of our sisters to have courage, to embrace their inner power, and to reach their full potential.- Malala Yousafzai

Malala has been a perfect example of great courage for everyone who is held back by their fears.

10 Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness, heart, talent, guts. - Bethany Hamilton

That’s what little girls are made of; the heck with sugar and spice. This girl beauty quote is full of flavors. 

11 We need women who are powerful enough to be kind, smart enough to be modest, fierce enough to be sympathetic, passionate enough to be sensible, and disciplined enough to be free.- Kavita Ramdas

This girl beauty quote best describes women as a goblet of fire.

12 Imperfections are beauty, madness is genius, and it’s better to be ridiculous than absolutely boring.- Marilyn Monroe

This girl beauty quote talks about the grace, fire, and brightness of a woman's personality.

13 “When you help a woman fulfill her potential, magic happens.”- Sara Blakely

This girl beauty quote inspires young girls to reach their maximum potential. 

14 “We need to live in a culture that values and respects and looks up to and idolizes women as much as men.”- Emma Watson

This girl beauty quote clearly defines gender; gender is nothing but a social way of looking at different perspectives.

15"Being strong is similar to being a lady. You are not if you have to tell people you are.- Margaret Thatcher

This girl beauty quote reminds us that a girl may be born, but a queen is made. 

16 "A woman's true beauty is reflected in her spirit; it is not just on the surface of her face. A woman's beauty develops as she gets older.- Audrey Hepburn

  This beautiful quote says that it is the caring that she lovingly gives, and the passion that she shows.

17  “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.”- Khalil Gibran

18  No matter what she is wearing, a lady with an open smile and a happy look exudes a certain kind of attractiveness. -Anne Roiphe

Anne Roiphe best defines a woman's brightness in this girl beauty quote. 

19 “Beauty is about enhancing what you have. Let yourself shine through.”- Janelle Monae

 This girl beauty quote reveals the true beauty of a bright woman.

20 “Beauty is not caused. It is.”- Emily Dickinson

Beauty is natural; there’s no such thing as man-made beauty.

21 “Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.”- John Ray


22 “There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness.”- Maria Mitchell

 This girl beauty quote speaks for smiles as the best makeup ever worn.

23 “Beauty is in the heart of the beholder.”- H. G. Wells

Why do we find some people attractive while not finding others attractive? There may be some validity to the adage "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Everything we perceive determines how we perceive it. People develop their opinions as a result of their experiences and the surroundings in which they live.

24 "No matter how simple a lady may be, she will be lovely if truth and honesty are written on her face." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Only a woman of strong character can help you lift your soul. This girl beauty quote shows intense fire while describing the strength of true beauty.  

 25 “Beauty is not something you buy; instead, beauty is what lies within.”- Byron Pulsifer

 This girl beauty quote reveals the true beauty of a bright woman.

26 “Beauty has a lot to do with character.”- Kevyn Aucoin

This girl beauty quote has a lot to say about the character.

27 “Outer beauty turns the head, but inner beauty turns the heart.”- Helen J. Russell

True beauty can’t be seen or held. 

28 “In the end, you will not see the physical beauty in others that caught your eye but the fire that burned within them.”- Shannon L. Alder

 This girl beauty quote shows intense fire while describing the strength of true beauty. 

29 “Outer beauty attracts, but inner beauty captivates.”- Kate Angell


30"There is no description of beauty, but to me, beauty is when you can feel a person's spirit coming through, something unfathomable."- Liv Tyler

This girl beauty quote says females are the most beautiful, gorgeous creatures in the whole world. 

31"To be beautiful, one must be true to oneself. You're not dependent on other people's approval. You must accept who you are.- Thich Nhat Hanh

Know yourself, accept yourself and set yourself free.

32  "Beauty is in the narrative that each dividing line on a woman's face tells, not in a flawless complexion."- Alyscia Cunningham

This girl beauty quote embraces aging. We grow beautiful with every wrinkle.

33 Your natural beauty emerges when you are in harmony and pay attention to the requirements of your body, mind, and spirit.- Christy Turlington

34 “Outer beauty is inner beauty made visible.”- Paulo Coelho

Bring your whole self to the experience. Because the more we do that, the more that people get to see that, the more comfortable everybody's gonna be with it.

35 “The essence of beauty lies in the glow.”

You glow differently when you are beautiful inside.

36 “It’s that heart of gold and stardust soul that makes you beautiful.”- R.M.Broderick

This girl beauty quote describes inner beauty.

36 “Pretty girls are the perfect combination of sun and moonlight.”

While reading this girl beauty quote, think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.

37 “The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express.”- Francis Bacon

None can.

38 “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”- Leonardo da Vinci

39 “True beauty lies deep within. No matter what you look like on the outside, if you know you are beautiful, nothing can change that.”- Amy Davis

You don’t have to be pretty. You don’t owe prettiness to anyone. Prettiness is not rent you pay for occupying a space marked ‘female'.

40 "You are gorgeous when you spend your time doing what makes you happy." Theodore J. Leonard

41 “Beauty is the illumination of your soul.”- John O’Donohue

Much evidence has been made in the past regarding the true essence of beauty. This girl beauty quote sums up them all.

42 "When a person exudes self-confidence, that person is truly beautiful.”- Aimee Mullins

Being beautiful means when you adore yourself without the mirror. 

43 "A flower doesn't consider challenging the bloom right next to it. It merely flowers.

Issa ray once said about a girl beauty quote that I learned to like myself more than others did, then I didn't have to worry about being the funniest or the most popular or the prettiest.

44 Put the glass ceiling aside and focus on your work. You will be constrained if your attention is on the "glass ceiling," what you lack, or your restrictions.

This girl beauty quote encourages women to step up. 

45 "Learn to enjoy your unique gifts with confidence, and learn to embrace your unique beauty."

 This girl beauty quote says that your imperfections are a gift.

46 Pretty girls who are unaware of their looks are more attractive than gorgeous girls who flaunt it.  

Every woman wants to be referred to as being "beautiful."

47 A woman with a beautiful heart is stunning. She might have sores or be covered in muck, but only her foot fits inside the glass slipper.- Omoakhuana Anthonia

48 A beautiful woman with a brain is like a beautiful woman with a club foot. - Bernard Cornfeld

49  A beautiful girl will haunt you day and night like a symphony.- Irving Berlin

50 There are no ugly women, only lazy ones. - Helena Rubinstein


51  Nothing on earth is more captivating to see than a stunning woman preparing a meal for the one she loves.- Tom Wolfe

52 Like a picture, a beautiful woman never loses her beauty as she ages.- Chloe Thurlow

This girl beauty quote reminds you that you are the key to it all. It doesn't mean that anything is not deemed lovely just because it may not be in someone else's eyes. We need to realise that everyone is unique, and being different doesn't necessarily mean you're different in a bad way—it just means you're bold enough to be yourself!

53 Nothing is more rare or more lovely than a woman who is unabashedly herself and who is at ease with her ideal flaws. That, in my opinion, is the genuine meaning of beauty.- Steve Maraboli

54 A woman's eyes must be the first thing you notice about her because they are the gateway to her heart, which is where love dwells.- Audrey Hepburn

This girl beauty quote is so apt. This adage is true because what one person finds lovely may not necessarily be what another person finds attractive. One can be "ugly inside" and still be "lovely on the outside." The concept of "beauty" is frequently used by the media and society to set standards for who and what we should aspire to be. 

55 . A lovely girl gazing at the stars, and the stars who gazed back. - Sarah J. Maas

The question is does the moon know that it is beautiful. Someone only knows they are beautiful because someone else has told them. So, keep complimenting your girl.

56 Nothing is more lovely than a lady who feels beautiful on the inside. Inner beauty radiates from within.- Erin Heatherton

This girl beauty quote tells that nobody has the same definition of beauty. The genuine definition of beauty has been lost to our souls as society has gotten more materialistic and focused on having the newest fashionable clothing or pair of sneakers. Beauty is much more than simply what we see on the outside; it also includes what we have to present on the inside.

57 A beautiful woman should break her mirror early. - Baltasar Gracian

This girl's beauty quote blew my mind. Why do we even look at mirrors to feel beautiful?

58 When I think of the most beautiful women, they're not supermodels. - Becki Newton

Regarding what beauty is, there are a lot of diverse perspectives. The concept of beauty is totally subjective. Whether you're thin or bulky, have long or short hair, or have light or dark skin, beauty is what you make it. 

Everybody has a different definition of what beauty is, and this girl beauty quote shows how it makes it unique in many various ways.

The way society portrays it, she or he is a model or celebrity that no one can match. Understanding what beauty is, what it means in each culture, and the false impressions society gives individuals would help one to see why beauty is not a universal concept.

59 While ugly may be seen right down to the bone, beauty is only skin deep.- Dorothy Parker

What’s beauty? What defines ugliness?

Beauty is so difficult to define. We might state that it is a quality of a person that makes one feel satisfied. Additionally, it is a trait or quality that is highly valued.

60 Grit and grace make up beautiful girls.

Our last girl beauty quote inspires us to get our dosage of glitter every morning. 


 In this blog post, we explored how "perfection" is not always what it seems to be with some real-life quotes that might make you rethink your perspective on what it means to be beautiful.

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