Get Ready For The Summer – 14 Ways To Get Fit

Jun 25, 2022

7 min read

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The secod that “those” months hit the calendar, and most girls start panicking. The fact that you need to show off some skin and wear a bikini can be rather daunting. But it’s summer, and we all love it! Unfortunately, not all people are born with perfectly muscular body figures, and not everybody can look like some gorgeous bikini cover model, so we need to struggle a bit to get that ideal summer figure. The key is meticulous diet care, exercising, and regular hydration. If your goal is to get into shape this summer, there's no time to spare and you should act now. Amongst a plethora of tips and tricks on how to get fit and slim for the summer, here are some of the most sprucing (and productive) ways.

1. Create an effective start-up plan

To get that perfect summer figure, you need to make a detailed plan where you track your progress and note down your eating habits. A smart thing is to have all things figured out adequately before you commence with your summer transformation. Buy a planner and start writing down a thorough plan on when you mean to go to the gym, when and how are you going to prepare healthy meals, and what would be other extra-curriculum activities you are going to do. Having a good plan acts as a mental reminder and a fruitful motivator. Make sure you set realistic goals and stay on your track.

2. Check your BMI

Inspecting your body mass index will give you a clear insight into your body composition and how much weight and fat you need to regulate. Before you start exercising intensively, figuring out what your body is made of is vital. BMI will give you concrete data about body composition, that is, your body fat ratio, muscle percentage, and so on, and this would help you know how you'll need to manage your weight. What’s more, calculating your BMI helps you see how much fat and muscle you have and how much you need to lose. The key to building an amazing body for the summer is looking both aesthetically slim and physically healthy. 

3. Try cycling – the most versatile and effective workout

What most people fail to reckon, is that they should immediately do an excessive workout that would totally burn out their body, on the contrary, to get fit for the summer, you need to start with smart activities. One of which is cycling. Cycling is one of the most versatile and beneficial exercises where your whole body gets infested into working out for the summer. If you were to start cycling you would also improve your posture, and coordination, decrease fat levels, increase muscular health, boost your fitness levels, and above all, shed pounds. If you have bought a bike already, search for quality womens bikes to buy and start commuting to work and the gym. No excuses.

4. Revamp your morning routine

Instead of going cycling or jogging in the evening after a long and demanding day, switch to doing exercises in the morning. People, especially ladies, are able to get fit faster if they follow a steady morning routine than in the evening. When you start your day meditating, cycling, and then eating a protein-rich breakfast, you will not go for late-night snacking after your job. Make your morning routine consistent: eat healthy proteins and fibers for breakfast such as eggs, chicken breasts, ground turkey, greek yogurt, and certain veggies, then go running or cycle to work instead of going by car. 

5. Boost up the stamina with interval training

The key to getting fit is not only to sweat and lose fat but increase your metabolism and boost stamina. If you wish to properly lose weight, doing a combination of cardio and weight workouts in co-relation with interval training is the way to go. HIIT or high-intensity interval training is the term that consists of short bouts of intense and speedy physical exercise. These exercises can last from 10 to 60 seconds and then they are followed by a period of recovery or rest that last the same interval. By doing interval training, you can shed more fat, gain more lean muscles and shape up your body perfectly for the summer.

6. Choose whole grains

Those who have already implemented a healthy diet, know the importance of consuming proteins and healthy carbohydrates. Some carbs are a big no when you wish to get fit, and they can be tough for the organism, but some are essential like whole grains. To lose weight for the summer and get fit, ditch white bread and pasta and switch to whole grains. Pay attention, though, as whole grains are not so easy to digest and your body may need to work harder to keep your metabolic rate elevated. Opt to consume whole grains that are rich in fiber like quinoa, oatmeal, and brown rice.

7. Hire a personal trainer

If you are looking to get results fast, you should hire the assistance of a personal trainer. The professional personal trainer would analyze your BMI, give out a specific workout plan for your organism, and use the body information to construct a detailed and bombastic workout plan for you that would surely bring results. A personal trainer would write you a food plan and help you exercise one group of muscles one day, build up exercises step by step, and guide you through an eating plan. If you have more money to spare, your trainer can design a task-specific workout plan with excellent techniques such as HIIT finishers, boosters,time-under-tension, and supersets, and ensure you would get amazing results for the summer.

8. Be versatile with workouts

Many people don't prefer to do intensive workouts, even though they are fully aware that sweating is the best way to get that fit and beautifully toned summer body. Some workouts can be tedious, tiring, and demanding. The key to losing weight eligibly and getting fit before the summer kicks in, you should make workouts feel fun. It would be splendid to designate a solid balance of cardiovascular exercise, cardio workouts, and weight training. Make things fun by playing some energetic and enticing music to get you going and challenge your body. Try soothing new, become versatile with the type of weight-loss activities, and be open-minded for the workouts such as Zumba or Crossfit. With a combination of various exercises, you would undoubtedly look fit for the swimsuit.

9. Ditch old habits

For a fitter body, you need to forget about late-night meals, alcohol, delicious cheesecake, and similar. The best piece of advice for getting fit is altering the nasty old habits. You should change some eating routines, start exercising daily, and above all be diligent and persistent. Moreover, you must stop eating white sugar and sweets, and start eating more vegetables, greens, and whole grains. Switch driving to work and start walking or cycling instead. Minimize the consumption of alcohol and try to stop drinking beer and other alcoholic drinks, because they contain rapidly digested carbs that shut down fat burning.

10. Never skip meals and incorporate a steady diet

When trying to get slim for the summer, it’s not important to starve yourself, on the contrary, you should eat regular three meals a day including two healthy snacks in between. With this in mind, you should eat more, not less! The most beneficial way to get fit is to eat enriching food products, don't consume saturated fats, and sugary and packed products. An adequate diet would ensure you intake sufficient healthy calories, but distribute those calories, proteins, and carbs immaculately so your body won't suffer from less food and create a yo-yo effect. Hence, instead of eating and shrinking your portions, do your best to combine a nutritious diet rich in proteins and fibers in combination with beneficial exercises and you will get a perfect summer body in no time.

11. Drink plenty of water

Staying hydrated is a must! Anybody whose goal is to get that glorious summer figure would need to drink water on a regular basis. Drinking plenty of water is absolutely crucial, especially if you are going through an intensive fitness program. Aim to drink around 7 glasses of water per day and another liter of teas and lemon zest water. Don’t consume any juices, even smoothies, as they contain sugar that would slow down your body's fat-burning capacity. Flavor up the water a bit by adding mint leaves, freshly grated ginger, or muddled berries.

12. Snack, but cautiously

If you are used to snacking between meals, go for fruit or nuts. Eating five times a day is actually a good option rather than eating a huge meal only once. Switch unhealthy snacks for healthy versions. Nuts are a perfect substitute for chips and crisps as they are highly nutritious and they are rich in monounsaturated fats that have a positive effect on insulin levels which will make you feel full. Keep an eye on what you snack on and go for dried fruits or cashews, walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts.

13. Sleep like a log

Sleep is an utterly important factor in weight loss. Unless you have plenty of sound sleep during the night, your body would be drained and you won't be able to perform many tasks, let alone do intensive training. If your goal is to lose weight, you need to rest your body and have quality sleep. Avoid late-night snacking, take a long bath, light up aromatherapy candles, play some soothing music, and try to ease up your body's tension. The goal should be to have a good night's sleep that lasts a minimum of 7 hours.

14. Find time to do things you love

Treat yourself with a spa getaway, go to a massage, buy yourself an expensive dress, and just do something that will keep your might off worries and weigh-loss things. Sometimes you just need to forget about chores and responsibilities and just unwind. When you dedicate time to doing the things you love, you will be more eager and willing to do workouts. To re-energize your body and mind, take a nap from time to time, read a good book, go for a coffee with friends, watch a romantic comedy, or simply relax. Your body will drain unless you find some "me" time and take things easy. This is highly vital if you have adopted a strict workout plan and started with energetic weight-loss exercises because dedicating time for yourself will help you reduce piled-up stress and boost your well-being.

Get ready for the summer by following the above-mentioned pieces of advice. Only with careful organization, a clear plan, patience, and dedication can you expect to get results.

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