Frogs Are Better Than People.

Jul 2, 2022

1 min read

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There have been times when I wished I was a frog.

Just sit on a lily pad all day and irritate people with my constant croaking. Then just hop into the water if I'm not feeling the vibe of the day.

I often find myself wishing I was a different species from time to time. Sometimes I even think about being an inanimate object. At least then I know I don't have to worry about who I'm offending or who is offending me.

I'm just so sick of all of the craziness happening in the world. People upset at the fact that someone dyed their hair a different color, someone married someone who is 10 years younger than them, or someone was raised in a different area than they were. These issues sound really silly don't they? That's because they are.

I never understood the concept of disliking someone because of something they've done or something they believe in. What's the point? Should I just like my best friend because her favorite color is purple and mine is orange? Now that is something silly. But isn't what we're doing to each other now the same thing? Many people would say no. The reason for this is because they believe that the other issues such as race or religious affiliation are more important than your favorite color.

The truth is it's all based off of your own perspective. Some people may find it more important that someone share the same favorite color is them rather than their gender or their race or even their sexual orientation. Is that a common thing we see? No, but that doesn't mean that it's not possible. Thinking about it makes you seem as if you're thinking of a fairy tale. However, this is a true statement.

I wonder what would happen if people considered the scenario. Would they take more time to understand that differences in opinion doesn't mean that you should be mortal enemies. It just means that you have a difference of opinion.

🧡 Shine Bright, Kayla

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