Free Splash Pads in Houston Your Kids Will Love

12 months ago

3 min read

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Houston is extremely hot in Summer and by extremely hot we mean that if you will go out even at 7 in the morning you will be drenched in sweat and you will need to take a bath again. 

This type of weather remains in Houston starting from May and continues till the month of September. If you have little kids in your house then this scorching heat can be a real problem for you. 

It is pretty hard to keep the kids indoors moreover since they are small they cannot even go to the public pools but you do not need to be worried because in this blog we are going to tell you about some waterpark near Houston tx where you can take your kids and get some relief from the heat. 

If you are not aware of the splash pads then we would to tell you that most of the splash pads are usually open for free early in the morning. Also, it does not require too much planning to visit a splash pad, you just need to pack the suits and get started. 

Your kids do not need to learn swimming to enjoy splash pads, and even though splash pad is not an all-day activity but it can give you a relaxing feeling in summer mornings. 

Some of the Best Splash Pads You Will Find in Houston for Your Kids –

Gateway Foundation at Discovery Green in Downtown

You will get swim diapers for infants in these splash pads and the use of water shoes is also encouraged around there. You will find plenty of restrooms there for changing and after playing in the water your kids can enjoy a picnic in the grass. 

Levy Park in Upper Kirby 

This is the perfect spot where you could cool off after an outdoor adventure you just had or after doing shopping. You will see water running down from the towering orange structures and along with this, there are plenty of surroundings that are full of fun and entertainment.

Ervan Chew Park in Montrose  

This can be the best spot for you to enjoy with your friends and family, parents will see that there are benches in the shade for them to sit and watch their kid. And beside this park is a dog park, so this splash pad can be the best for ones with pets. 

Hermann Park in Museum District

It is another splash pad that you could give a try, the fact that it is located near the zoo and playground makes it a perfect splash pad for the kids to cool off. The location of this splash pad is the center of the Museum district hence, it is not very difficult to find it. 

Downtown Aquarium Splash Pad in Downtown  

The next in the list is the Aquarium splash pad which is located in downtown and the best part of this splash pad is that it can be accessed free of cost.

It has comfortable restrooms for changing clothes and along with playing in the splash pad you can also explore the aquarium rides as well as the food inside it. 

Hackberry Park in Alief

This splash pad is decorated with turtles, lily pads as well as within grounds sprayers, and even though it is not as glamorous as other splash pads still kids love spending time here. 

These were some of the best splash pads which we had sorted out for you, and we believe that you will enjoy your time with your kids when you will any of these splash pads to have fun with water and other things. 

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