Finding the mind’s peace

Jul 11, 2022

5 min read

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The last months were harsh for me. All of us have our life’s circles filled with challenges. Since I went too deep into my mind, the motivation to move on was finding my mind’s peace.

With too much thinking, writing, and crying, I found what life lessons I had learned from the situations I bumped into. I am proud I overcame all of that, and this is why I want to share some pieces of my wisdom. Everyone can find themselves in my shoes. We all share the same burden of daily life, fighting for our private and personal balance.
The key to a lifestyle’s success lies in the mind’s peace and sincere communication.
I tell more about both aspects today based on my ordinary human experience. If I can do what I do, you can do it too.

Now, how did I find my mind’s peace?

First of all, as an introvert, I think a lot about what went wrong, and I wrote down the pluses and minuses of what I gained.

When it comes to an unsuccessful relationship, as it was for me, I wrote about the good and the worse sides of my partner and how did I feel. I also wrote my joyful and sad memories. That helps to define where you stand because if the feeling of unhappiness stays for a long time, killing you inside is a clear sign you’re not on the right track.

I know how painful it’s to break up with someone you love, but your soul cries out loud to do it because you do not recognize yourself anymore. That leads to self-hate and low self-esteem, and when that is present, your love toward others fades away. People become nervous, depressed, and unwilling to do anything.
After writing it all down, the time for action comes. Usually, most people stay without action because they fear they can survive. It seems impossible at first. But, after gaining the courage to do the first step, things begin to clear up. Doing the small step can take even years but human instincts to feel appreciated are stronger than self-destruction. Right said it is inevitable to stay at the bottom of your life.

But, should you wait to go to the bottom and dig there, or should you try to swim outside the dark life’s ocean before drowning?

However, it was hard for me to adapt to the new situation I faced, in the first two weeks. But, slowly, I started to accept the weight of my choice, and I knew I was on the right and better track in my life. I visited many churches, and I walked many miles, thinking about how things in my life are and how they will be from now on. I looked for inspiration to move on in different things – numerology, astrology, and even talking with animals, especially cats.

By the way, it is good to know that animals are wearing the angel’s spirits.

As time went by, I found myself coming back to the old hobbies that I had forgotten.

Don’t forget who you are in the name of a partnership!

The disregard for yourself shows no respect toward your and others’ interests.
The well-mannered partner will respect your interests and cherish them, but only if you do the same toward him.

Step by step, I stood again on my feet and started to look for ways to be more active and productive.

People should remember that when times are hard, to be active and busy to go painlessly through them.

Sport is a great option to move on – in my case, I walked, and I still walk, 7 km per day to free my mind from worries. My online Zumba trainer Irene says that: “When times are hard, let’s dance through them.” She is right because all people need energy.

When the brain is busy, there is no time to get depressed, and there is not much choice to do so. Feeling the sadness and pain will not fade away from the mind, but they can heal with business. The broken heart also heals faster when people have their goals to achieve.

In my case, I wanted to lose weight, and I did it – ten kg down. Another of my goal was to start competing in international writing contests. I dreamed of that for too long. Today, I have had around twenty competition entries for the last four months.

All of that made me find peace in my mind.

Whatever you do, keep moving. That is the key to mind’s peace, because all the time you try something new, you learn a lot. You accept your weird sides and interests.

That is the key to being sincere toward yourself.

Once people accept their odds and curiosities, they achieve self-love and learn to give love to others.

Photo by Barbara Olsen on

After finding the mind’s peace, people become true to themselves. They could be sincere with themselves and the others they care about in their lives.

Remember, if you want to have a real friend, be real too.

Sincere communication means no lies, even white ones. They serve no good to anybody. Sooner or later, telling the untruth will be found out. Actions never lie, and if there is no genuine care between two persons, it will reveal. Usually, after the truth is found out, relationships of any kind break up.

Is it too high a risk for lacking sincerity, it is not?

In my opinion, communication should be clear and accepting. No one is ideal, but when two imperfect persons meet, they can make a perfect relationship by complementing each other in business and friendship partnerships. My companionship with my former lovers is better now because I learned to accept people as they are.

I do not put the guilt only on myself. When a relationship breaks, the fault is on both sides and their unwillingness to work things out or change themselves for the better. If people do not change, they need to compromise to keep things going smoothly. If people can’t understand each other, they should accept themselves. All of that can happen with sincerity and no false talking.
Sayings words that are wanted to be heard by the interlocutors also don’t work. It is a lie to say what the other person wants to hear. That is used well in trading.

But, is a relationship between friends or lovers a trade?

The main point of my post today is to make you think.

Learning the life lessons, staying in solitude, going through deep pain – all of that leads to a new you and self-love.

Take time, think deeply, and see, are you happy where you are today?

Are you true to yourself and your partner or friend?

Are you not losing yourselves between society’s or partnership’s influences?

Are you genuine and authentic, or do you play dual to live delusional you’re successful?

Are you human, or are you a robot programmed by money-oriented things?

That will give the answers to your mind’s peace and sincerity in communication.

Have a great Day of Celebration!

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