Falling In Love With Someone You Know You Cannot Have

Jul 6, 2022

3 min read

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Have you ever fallen in love with someone you know you can’t have?

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Love, where we all started, is a very powerful emotion. It’s a great feeling. It’s a fairy tale that never ceases to amaze. It’s the best thing that can happen to anyone. It is like a rainbow. When you’re inlove, you see all things colorful. All the colors are vibrant. Full of life and hope. You almost live in heaven. And on the great level, love is something that can’t be defined and explained by mere words.

When you’re inlove, you act different in a good a way. You are willing to submit all of yourself to that person. You are willing to do anything for him. You stand by his side in every aspect. Regardless if he is right or wrong. Neither if he’ll reciprocate or not. His whole being is what only important to you. His happiness is what you desire and nothing else. Because seeing him utmost happy makes you whole.

Having said that, like the rainbow, someone who sees it from the other side might not see it as colorful as you can see. It’s not you he really care about.

Unrequited love. No doubt it hurts more than you can imagine. It hurts when you have someone in your heart yet, you know that not even a single chance you will ever get him. But that doesn’t make him bad or you as a victim. Because feelings is just one of those things that sometimes you have no control over. So you can’t just choose and control who you fall for. And him, to love you back either.

Just because you loved someone with all your heart doesn’t guarantee that they will love you back. It’s not their fault that they don’t feel the same way. Not yours either ofcourse. They just don’t.

Sometimes, we don’t understand what real love is until we find ourself doing something for the benefit of someone we love despite of having nothing in return. When we think only about giving and not recieving.

Love is not just about being reciprocated. It goes beyond that.

Love does cover everything. Love covers over innumerable of sin. So as the flaws, mistakes and shortcomings of a person you love. That includes their inability to love you back the way you want them to. Otherwise, it’s never really love.

Truly, love makes life worth living. Without love, we all don’t exist.

Nonetheless, at some point, the realization that you have to let them go and move on, for your own good and theirs will come eventually. You’ll realize this is the necessary thing to do. Without regrets to look behind. Just a brighter tomorrow to look forward to.

Because sometimes in life, it is better to love someone you can’t have than having someone you can’t Love.

Thanks for reading. I'm Bella

Have a great day ahead world ;)

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