Sleep Disorders That Will Give You Permanent Insomnia For Several Days

Aug 27, 2018

3 min read

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We all have our own unique sleeping habits. We actually don't love anything more than our bed because it is the only thing capable of giving us relief. We can dream, we can stretch out, we can smile and do everything while sleeping. Wait, everything?

Yes, everything. People walk, people, talk, and people even do sex while asleep! Unbelievable? With excessive stress and sleep-depriving, these abnormal conditions arise. (However, they are quite intriguing.)

Here are some common sleep disorders that you probably never knew about.

1. Sleep Sex

Commonly referred to as night bang or sexomnia, this is a sleeping disorder in which a person may masturbate, fondle, have oral sex or even have an intercourse. Wondering how can one be capable of sex while one is unconscious? Well, science has an answer - the neurons misfire!

2. Sleep Walking

Also called somnambulism or noctambulism, this sleep disorder is very common in children between 3 to 13 years of age. It is self-diagnosable as it involves funny incidents of climbing out of a window, sleeping in a store, urinating in a wardrobe etc. Many adults also suffer this. Wondering if you have had a sleep walking episode?

3. Sleep Talking

Formally known as somniloquy, it is a sleep disorder which may disturb the sleep of others to a considerably irritating extent. The person with is disorder talks during sleep without being aware of it. How's it possible? Well, you can hear dialogues, monologues, complete rubbish, cries or even mumbling to believe this!

4. Bedwetting

Scientifically nocturnal enuresis, this abnormal sleeping condition involves the passage of urine during sleep. Involuntary urination before the age of 7 is normal but beyond that is a sleep disorder. And it doesn't need to be the night to make the bed wet! You just need to be asleep to wet the bed if you have this disorder. Are you grown up enough?

5. Sleep Terrors

Many children and even adults suffer night terrors, which cause the feeling of fear. A person deep in sleep can suddenly be extremely scared and frightened. But how long does this condition last? Maybe until the person realized that it wasn't a real thing that troubled his or her sleep. Do you cry at night?

So, if you think you are great in bed and you can sleep for days, you probably may have an excessive sleep disorder waiting for you.

And if you are an average person who needs five minutes more if sleep every time you choose to wake up, better be aware!

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