Exploring Graphql vs. Rest Apis for a Web Development Agency

4 months ago

6 min read

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What makes a web development agency build a scalable and efficient application? The answer lies in choosing the right data-fetching strategy.

REST APIs and GraphQL are different APIs that ensure effective communication and data exchange between applications. These are crucial for effective data retrieval in web development services.

However, selecting the right data-fetching approach can be challenging. Website developers in NYC can make this process easier. They’ll help you define your project needs and choose the ideal API for better performance and a positive outcome.

In this article, we’ll delve into the core differences between REST API and GraphQL to help you choose the right data fetching strategy.

Understanding APIs: Why it Matters to a Web Development Agency

What is APIs

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are crucial for building modern web apps. These interfaces offer secure, efficient communication and data exchange between web application programs.

Additionally, APIs allow a web development agency to craft dynamic websites that boost efficiency and improve user experience. It also encourages developers to leverage external services and access data and functions of other applications. This strategy will help website developers craft apps tailored to meet unique customer demands.


Based on pre-build functionalities, APIs are categorized into different types. These include:

Library APIs: They help leverage built-in functions for common tasks.

Web APIs: This allows easy access and data sharing across the web.

OS APIs: These APIs ensure smooth interaction with different system features, devices, and files.

These diverse API types allow a web development agency to develop advanced solutions, saving time and crafting excellent web experiences.

GraphQL and Its Core Features

Unlike traditional REST APIs, GraphQL is an API offering flexible data fetching approaches. It uses a single endpoint to handle different data requests. By implementing this API, developers can:

  • Address their data requirements

  • Reduce under-fetching and over-fetching issues

This helps simplify API structure and minimize versioning issues. Furthermore, it utilizes powerful schema to automate tasks, connect client and server, and ensure data consistency.

In addition, GraphQL offers real-time data updates, making it crucial for constant data flow in web apps. These features help improve efficiency in managing data exchange.

Core Features

GraphQL empowers web developers with vital features for efficient data fetching. These include:

Here's the key difference between GraphQL and REST APIs:

Single Endpoint:

It simplifies API structure and eliminates the risk of versioning issues.

Faster Development:

GraphQL supports frontend updates without making any backend adjustments.

Strongly Typed Schema:

It allows developers to simplify automation and tooling to ensure data consistency.

Precise Data Fetching:

A top-rated web developer can reduce the risk of over/under data fetching to address unique client requests

Real-Time Updates:

This API offers a subscription feature and is ideal for accessing real-time updates.

Clear Error Handling:

It sends detailed error messages within queries to ensure efficient error handling.


Additionally, GraphQL allows clients to explore the API structure based on their exceptional demands.

REST APIs and Its Core Features

In web development, REST APIs, also known as RESTful APIs, empower developers to leverage the web for efficient data exchange. It supports different formats, including JSON or XML, representing information or various structures. Moreover, REST API leverages unique URLs to highlight resources. It offers different HTTP methods, like:

  • GET

  • POST

  • PUT


Besides, it takes the CRUD approach (Create, Read, Update, Delete) to address different network resources. Such alignment and simplicity make REST API ideal for data-fetching website development services.

With this API, users specify data queries, and servers provide status codes, like 200 for success and 404 for errors.

Core Features

REST APIs offer a uniform interface as a standardized strategy to simplify interactions and independent updates of app components.

Resource-Based URLs:

It supports unique URLs to identify and access specific resources clearly.

Uniform Interface:

REST APIs offer a uniform interface as a standardized strategy to simplify interactions and independent updates of app components.

Standard HTTP Methods:

This easy-to-use API supports standard methods, such as “GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE” for improved data retrieval.

Cacheable Responses:

It provides cacheable responses for better results, minimizing the need for repeated data retrieval.


A web development agency implements REST API to operate each request independently to enhance server performance and scalability.

Layered System:

Additionally, it enhances security and reliability by leveraging specific Intermediaries or layered systems, like gateways.

Client-Server Split:

This API empowers developers to separate web development concerns, allowing for independent client and server development.


Here's the key difference between GraphQL and REST APIs:



It eliminates the need for versioning. A web development agency uses this API to add new features or fields without affecting the client queries.


This traditional API can interrupt the existing client-handling system. It requires versioning in the headers or URLs while updating data structures.

Data Retrieval:


It allows clients to specify exact data requirements using a single endpoint, eliminating over/under-fetching.


This API relies on multiple URL endpoints, allowing over/under-fetching. Clients may require multiple requests to retrieve data or may receive more data than needed.



It handles dynamic client requests, which makes caching difficult. A web development agency should adopt techniques like ‘server-side caching’ and ‘persisted queries’ to improve caching.


Due to HTTP methods, REST API offers an easier caching system. However, this API requires mechanisms like eTags and last-modified headers to manage cache API calls. These methods are difficult to implement and manage.

Error Handling:


It offers a dedicated error structure to provide clearer error messages.


This API utilizes HTTP status codes to provide specific responses against errors. However, some additional documentation is needed for specific error types, making it difficult to operate.

Tools and Environment:


Top-rated web developers prefer this API for its extensive tools and libraries. Moreover, it helps simplify the GraphQl API testing process with IDE( integrated development environment) integration.


This offers numerous tools and libraries but requires understanding multiple endpoints.

Real-Time Data:


It provides built-in support for real-time updates through subscriptions.


However, this API requires additional techniques like server-sent events for real-time updates.

Key Considerations:

Besides these areas, web developers should consider additional points to understand the difference between GraphQL and REST API. These are:

Flexibility and Efficiency:

GraphQL empowers developers with precise data requests and reduces network usage, making it better than REST APIs.


Both data-fetching strategies are highly scalable. However, GraphQL requires different optimization strategies for data request flexibility.

Development Experience:

GraphQL offers better typing and introspection capabilities for smoother development by leveraging IDE support.

A web development agency should consider these crucial areas to choose the right data fetching option for their project.

When To Adopt REST APIs and GraphQL: The Best Data Fetching Strategy For Your Project

Why GraphQL's?

Frontend Freedom: This offers developers more control over the data retrieval, effective for specific queries

Complex Data: GraphQL is ideal for intricate data relationships, fetching data using single endpoint.

Real-Time Updates: Its subscription feature enables retrieving real-time updates.

Multi-Platform Support: This API supports different platforms to efficiently handle varying requests.


Stateless Systems: It specifically aligns with web applications prioritizing stateless communication.

Caching Friendly: Its predictable structure ensures effective caching strategies.

Simple APIs: REST APIs are easy to implement and maintain.

Existing Expertise: Ideal for existing RESTful services while building a web application.

Let’s Recap!

Understanding the difference between GraphQL and REST APIs is crucial for any web development agency aiming to build a scalable web app. However, it's a critical decision-making process. Primarily, adopting the best data fetching strategy requires a clear understanding of the project goal. Such a strategy will guide developers to choose the ideal strategy.

Meanwhile, this blog outlines the differences between REST APIs and GraphQL when it comes to data fetching in web development. GraphQL is suitable for complex applications, requiring more flexibility and real-time updates. However, REST APIs are the best strategy for simpler applications requiring an easy-to-cache system.

So, choose suitable data fetching strategy that fits your unique project requirements. Hope this article will guide you find the right API!

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