Exercise safety tips that one day might save your life

Jul 4, 2022

6 min read

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Whatever you are doing in life, safety should be a priority. Fitness is no different. Let us look at how to stay safe while getting fit.

Depending on where you are exercising, safety precautions will be different. These safety measures for five places people exercise.

If you are wondering, I am a Physical Education teacher; I ran track for eighteen years and coached at the Kindergarten and High School levels for over fifteen years. In addition, I am a fitness enthusiast who takes fitness and health seriously.

Exercising at home

Exercising at home is trending; many people prefer exercising at home rather than going to a traditional gym.

They feel more comfortable and don’t feel insecure about the lack of exercise or intimidated by gym rats.

The internet now provides a viable alternative with correct information just at your finger.

However, the danger that exists with exercise remains.

So if you decide to exercise at home, here are some safety tips.

Before starting any exercise, it is advisable to do a check with your doctor. Ensure there are no underlying health issues that might block your fitness goals. People die or end up in the ER yearly from health-related issues triggered by strenuous exercise.

Know the type of activity you will be doing. For example, will you run, lift weights, do yoga, palate, or kinaesthetic? After you decide, then you need to create space and get equipment. Next, ensure you have enough space to be comfortable using your equipment and do your routine without any accidents.

The internet is a blessing and a curse. Although correct fitness information is available at your fingertips, so is lousy information. If you are new to fitness, you might not know when you are getting the wrong information that might hurt instead of help. While social media can offer some good advice, it’s not the best source. Instead, find a certified instructor online who can guide you or design an exercise plan tailored to your needs.

If weight lifting is a part of your routine, dont do heavy lifting or push yourself beyond exhaustion, especially if you are doing bench press or quats. Get someone competent to assist if you are lifting heavy.

Learn the correct lifting technique before starting.

Exercising outdoors

Fresh air and changing scenery is perfect for the mind and body if you decide that exercising outdoors is the best way to burn calories but be mindful of the many dangers.

For folks in urban areas, the hazards are many. Be on the lookout for vehicles; if possible, run or walk facing the upcoming traffic.

You will be better able to avoid getting hit.

Use designated pedestrian crossing. Not because you are getting your fit, safe road use still applies. Be mindful of pedestrians walking and not pay attention.

Man’s best friends not only like to chase the mail person and cars but also joggers.

Be mindful of the neighborhood you are in and dogs not secured correctly. Dog attacks killed forty-eight people in the USA in 2019.

Unless you are a world-class sprinter, it is not wise to try and outrun them. That will only get them excited. Instead, turn facing them and try and move away slowly. If they become overly aggressive, be prepared to hit or call for help.

Dogs can be deadly if things get out of hand. Getting on top of a parked vehicle might save you from getting mauled; however, you might have to pay for a damaged roof.

If you know a dog problem on your route, walk with a stick, contact the owner or call animal service if that’s available in your location. But by whatever lawful means necessary, protect yourself or change your route.

Crime can happen anywhere, regardless of how safe your country or neighborhood is, so it’s best to protect yourself — exercise on a populated and not lonely route.

Having an exercise partner or group would be great. Let someone know that you are exercising, your route, and when you expect to return.

A pepper spray or firearm would be an asset if the crime is high in your area, and you can legally and physically carry those.

Serious crimes have been committed against persons while they are out for a jog. So don’t be an easy victim.

Exercising in Suburbs or rural areas

Some of the same things apply in urban areas with the added danger of while animals or getting lost if you decide to go a trail.

Depending on where in the world, the threat of getting attacked by a while animal is real. About 40 bear attacks in the US annually, with 14 percent fatality.

Attacks mainly happen in bear habitats. So it would not be wise to go jogging where bears are, but if you are jogging or hiking and see one, move away from that area without disturbing it.

Remember, they are not cute and cuddly like the cartoons, and they will have you for a meal if you mess around.

It is easy to get lost on a trail, but a watch with GPS and a training partner or group is an asset. In case of a medical emergency, there is someone to help. Having a cell would be an asset.

Hydration is a must, especially if it’s humid. Having water or hydration fluid while exercising is a must. Dehydration can send you to the ER. and even worse.

People in a cold climate still need to hydrate. However, it might not be evident; weather conditions can be deceptive even though you seem to be hydrated. Therefore, you can still end up in the er for dehydration.

Exercising at the gym

As stated above, always consult your doctor before starting your fitness journey, whether exercising at the gym or at home. In addition, the gym can be dangerous; therefore, you must exercise caution.

Follow the rule at the gym; it’s there for your safety. I Can’t stress this enough learn the correct technique for doing exercise. Learn the proper form for lifting free weights and how to correctly use the weight machine and other equipment.

This will saves you a world of pain. Most accidents at the gym happen because people don’t take the time to learn these basic things correctly. Everyone wants to be a pro on their first day.

Most gyms have trainers there to guide you; please use them.

Although gyms have staff, who ensure things remain where there are supposed to be, they’re not there to pick up or clean up after you, so please rock weights after use.

Many people get hurt from tripping over free weights on the floor. It will be a shame to trip and fall from your sweat or spill.

Use a towel to wipe your sweat so your body fluid is not all over the place.

If you spill, clean up or ask for assistance.

Distraction comes in many ways; whether a well-tone man walking by or that fit-looking young lady, keep your focus.

It’s the gym; people work hard, look good, and show off their hard work. It’s not worth going to the ER to have a peek.

You have been working out for a few weeks and are feeling strong and want to prove your strength by stocking up those bars.

Be patient; you have nothing to prove. Although you might have improved, you are not ready to lift like a professional. Strength takes time to build, not just three or two weeks. It’s a gradual process that takes time and consistency.

Jumping the gun might put you out for a while or forever.

When signing up for a gym, ensure the instructors have a good reputation and know what they are doing.

The most dangerous things at the gym are poor instructors. Having an incompetent gym instructor might cause you a severe jury. They can cause you to quit before even starting your fitness journey.

To sum up things

Knowing the threats to your safety while trying to get fit is essential. It will help you plan to avoid or deal with them so that your exercise can be incident-free. Therefore you get the reward from living an active lifestyle.

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