Evenings And Tooth Pain

Jul 2, 2022

1 min read

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Over the past few weeks I have been having horrendous tooth pain. I have never been one to be perfect when it comes to oral hygiene. I forget to brush and floss regularly.

That sounds terrible I know... but at least I come by it honest.

Anyway, because of this, my teeth ate breaking and in need of some serious TLC. I have been visiting the dentist and working on getting things back on track but it seems I may not be making appointments quick enough.

To be honest, there are times when I contemplate taking a pair of pliers to my moth and yank them out one by one.

That is a rather disgusting image.

It's true nonetheless.

Right now... to get by, I'm living off of 1000 MG of Midol every 4 to 6 hours. Which is also not good. I suppose I'm just a ball of medical conundrums. 🙃

Aside from all of that... it is so nice to meet you all. I hope you found my writing about my pain entertaining. Can't wait to share more with you.

🧡 Shine Bright, Kayla

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