$100 Free for Surfing Your Regular Browser — Earn Free Crypto

Apr 3, 2023

3 min read

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Hey, In these days everyone wants to earn free money right? but whenever it comes to hard work 90% of people are failed, right?

In this article, I will share a free search engine which is paying to real cryptocurrency for surfing your daily browser.

I know I know you might think I’m a spammer or a cheater right? but trust me and stay on this article don’t leave. In this article, I’m going to share about a search engine like Google.com where people are making lots of free cryptos while surfing the web.

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What is the method?

So, this method and the search engine called Presearch search engine is a search engine like Google, Bing, and any other large search engine. But Presearch comes with a new advantage whenever you search on the search engine you will get their native tokens Presearch (PRE).

What is Presearch?

Presearch is a revolutionary search engine that operates on blockchain technology and offers its users a secure, decentralized search experience.

It incentivizes users by awarding PRE tokens for their search activities, which empowers them to take control of their data and privacy.

The platform aims to create a search ecosystem that rewards users who contribute to its growth and development.

How Presearch works?

When users search on Presearch, they receive PRE tokens as a reward, with a current rate of 0.1 PRE per search, up to a maximum of three tokens per day.

This rate may fluctuate based on the supply and demand of the platform as it grows. Additionally, node operators are rewarded for their contribution to the network and must stake their PRE tokens to offer server capacity.

This incentivizes users and operators to support the growth of Presearch’s decentralized search ecosystem.

How to Join Presearch

  1. Follow the link for signup- https://cutt.ly/d477JZU

You will redirect to this page sign up here and fill in all details

2. After Signing up you will redirect to this page and you need an Extension for Presearch Search Engine. Click on ‘Download Our Search Extension Chrome/Brave Firefox’

3. Then Install the Extension and you are ready to earn Presearch

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