Does Gaming Reduce the Complexity of Blockchain and Web3?

Nov 11, 2022

1 min read

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The world might be very comfortable talking about a lot of bass words like blockchain, cryptocurrency, NFTs, and a lot of other new manifestations of the distributed digital ledger. However, in most cases, people do not understand the complexity and the intricacy that goes behind the words “block” and “chain.”

Blockchain is more like an internal combustion engine and its manifestations are more like motor vehicles. While people might not be very concerned about the intricate elements of how things work, they would like to enjoy the benefits of this new technology.

While the statement might seem counterintuitive, it is only the growing familiarity with certain pieces of technology that contribute to the curiosity of the general masses in understanding the fine elements of that deck. In other words, adoption is the key to understanding.

Any instance of any technology being adopted by the masses is completely contingent upon emotions. Even the most simple and affordable pieces of technology might not be adopted by people because it does not have the emotional muscle it requires for people to understand how they work.

More often than not, it takes something with a mass appeal for people to understand everything about it. People would not have been concerned about Bernoulli’s theorem or the Carnot engine if not for airplanes and cars.

Similarly, it requires something of that caliber for blockchain, Web3, and NFTs to reach the masses and more so for people to understand the intricacies of the technology. This responsibility, as of now, can only be shouldered by gaming.

It seems strange for people to come to terms with the fact that something that cryptocurrency was not able to do might be possible through something as simple as gaming. The key to the power that gaming wields perhaps lies in its simplicity.

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