Difference Between Synchronous and Asynchronous Generators?

Oct 14, 2022

4 min read

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Synchronous motors are also known as electric motors, which are pieces of equipment. It can convert electrical power into mechanical energy. Electric motors use electromagnets to operate the machine, and it makes the interaction between electric current and magnetic field easy. 

While the interaction is happening at that time, it generates power in a wire winding, and the motor starts spinning. Electric motors, such as synchronous and asynchronous generators, have been used in many electrical applications, such as electric vehicles, fans, and so on. 

In this article, we are going to discuss the differences between synchronous and asynchronous generators. 

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What Is A Synchronous Generator?

The synchronous motor is a motor that rotates at the speed of synchronous speed. It provides power to the stator of the magnetic field for rotating. Synchronous motor is known as doubly feed because the rotor and stator of this equipment are connected with spate input supply. 

What Is An Asynchronous Motor?

An asynchronous motor is also known as an induction motor. The rotor of the generator is placed into the magnetic field, and it starts spinning with the assistance of an external spin generator. 

Therefore it rotates more rapidly than the magnetic field. The rotating shafts transfer the electricity into the generator’s coils. 

The thing is, induction generators are less complicated, and they have the ability to produce power continuously. An induction generator or asynchronous generator requires an electricity supply from outside. After that, it starts spinning and generating power.

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The Differences Between Synchronous Generators And Asynchronous Generators

Below we have discussed the difference between these two types of generators.

1) Synchronous motor is one type of machine whose rotor speed and stator speed are the same. On the other hand, an asynchronous motor is an electrical machine whose rotor spins at less speed than the synchronous speed.

2) There are several types of synchronous motors, such as variable reluctance motors, hysteresis motors, brushless motors, and so on. Meanwhile, an asynchronous motor has only one type, which is an AC induction motor. 

3) The synchronous motor has zero slip which means it doesn’t have a slip. But the asynchronous motor has slipped, so it is not equal to zero.

4) A synchronous motor needs additional external DC power to start the machine. But an Asynchronous motor doesn’t need any additional external power source to start.

5) when it comes to synchronous motors then, brushes and slip rings are required. At the same time, an asynchronous motor doesn’t require any slip ring or brushes. Only risky asynchronous motors require both brushes and slip rings.

6) Synchronous motors are expensive, but asynchronous motors are not expensive compared to synchronous motors.

7) You can exchange the power of synchronous motors by adjusting per lagging, unity, and leading. Meanwhile, an asynchronous motor can only run by the lagging power.

8) The rotor of the synchronous motor requires power to operate. On the other hand, the rotor of an asynchronous motor doesn’t need any current to operate.

9) Synchronous motor speed doesn’t change in the current load, which means it is constant. On the other hand, asynchronous motors can’ take the current load. 

10) Synchronous motor works smoothly at a low speed which is below 300 rpm. On the other hand, asynchronous motors work at more than 600 rpm. These induction generators are used in several appliances, such as blowers, textile mills, and so on.

11) The torque of the synchronous motor doesn’t affect several applied voltages. Meanwhile, an asynchronous motor affects the torque if different voltages are applied. 

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Synchronous Motor Design

The main components of this generator are the rotor and stator. The stator frame of this generator has a wrapper plate where the circumferential ribs and keyboard are attached. Apart from that, frame mounts and footings are used to assist this machine. 

Slip rings, the field winding with DC, and brushes are used too. The construction of the synchronous motor and synchronous alternators are the same.

Asynchronous Motor Design

The asynchronous motor doesn’t require any magnets. The phase of this generator is connected to the coils. In this generator, the current flow in the rotor can be activated by induced voltage. 

The magnetic field of the rotor runs asynchronously towards the stator or sometimes with a delayed time. This motor is also known as an induction motor. The main thing is this motor doesn’t need any external power to stimulate the rotor in this generator.

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We have mentioned some of the differences between synchronous and asynchronous generators above in this article. When it comes to an asynchronous motor, then it depends on magnetic induction, which is unstable. 

On the other hand, an asynchronous motor doesn’t depend on magnetic induction. Rather it depends on lagging power. Although these generators have some similarities, the inner design is totally different from each other. 

We hope you found this article helpful. In case you have queries, please comment down below. 

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