Dancing through it

Jun 27, 2022

2 min read

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I love Zumba — it makes me energized, and it solves the puzzle of my head’s running thoughts.
I want to share the wisdom in the words of my friend and Zumba trainer Irene Barrera. She says: “When times are hard, let’s dance through it,” and they become easier to go through.
I was regular in her online classes for a year.
How works Zumba for me?
It inspires me to become stronger and more energized in my daily life. Zumba helps my child and me to become closer when dancing together.
Many times I failed in my life. Then, I go after the dancing and the words Irene says.
I understand the words better now, after 365 days. Zumba helps my mind not let the negative thoughts in it. When the body moves, the brain is not playing games of self-sabotaging. On the contrary, after every training class, I feel motivated to do more for myself and others.
Steps in Zumba are easy, and they free your stressed consciousness. They make people forget the burden of daily baggage — emotional, physical, and the unsatisfaction you have.
Zumba makes persons better interlocutors with each other. Often, it happens to me dancing on my way with the bus or at the bus station. That makes people smile, and of course, some grin, but I do not care about them.
The people’s majority feel positive energy and the need to let go of negativity.
Zumba creates wonders for moms who feel overwhelmed by their daily responsibilities and make them closer to their children. Dancing helps men if they dare to let their serious guard down. Zumba gives people happiness and freedom of the soul.
When the thoughts after the training organize, everyone sits down and writes the plan for the next day.
The feeling of helplessness will be gone, and the level of serotonin will be high.
The worst situations seem less puzzled.
Dancing, by the way, shows the feelings of people better than the writing, for example. Zumba shows love, sadness, and every other emotion that humans have.
Zumba opens new horizons for creativity because mind and body go together. People can not work all the time. They need to have proper and regular breaks to keep going day by day. I thank my Zumba instructor Irene for changing my mindset for the better. That is Irene’s YouTube.

I even think to become a Zumba instructor myself, if that helps change people for the better and make them more human.
We need more humanists than ever. It is never too late to start something new.

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