11 Crystal Clear Signs That You’re Destined To Be A Writer

Jul 6, 2022

5 min read

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If you’re ever unsure whether writing is the right path for you — then friends, I’ve got some news for you.………..

I love love love to write. I’m not a professional by any means. I make mistakes, I often hate my writing, some days are good, but some days are bad, and I won’t lie — there are days when I wonder why on earth I decided to pursue this.

However, as soon as I stop that overwhelming negativity/anxiety monster clawing its way inside my brain, trying to ruin every thought, every idea, every sentence, and every time I’m about to hit publish — then writing can be such an escape for me. There’s absolutely no way I could fully function without it.

There’s nothing like thinking about a story idea or, in my case, remembering certain events in my life that might be somewhat interesting to you all — and gathering all your supplies whatever they might be.

For me that's…….

Coffee, lots and lots of coffee

My trusty notepad for notes

Earphones for relaxing ambiance on youtube, or occasionally a true-crime documentary

And finally my laptop

To write is a beautiful thing, and being able to share your thoughts with the entire world is not only a little bit scary but exciting too.

I had a conversation the other day with my mother about purposes in life. We figured out that my mum’s purpose is to help others. She used to work as a nurse, but she now runs a care home for the elderly.

You may already know that my family has no idea I write and I have my reasons for that. If you’re curious, then I wrote an entire article on this which you can check out below. ⬇⬇⬇⬇

Why I Choose To Keep My Writing A Secret From My Family And Friends.

So we were trying to figure out what my purpose is, and obviously, the main one is that I’m a mum to my amazing son, but other than that — I stayed quiet. My mum stated that my time probably hasn’t come yet.

My purpose is to be able to write not only for myself but also for all of you. I write about my mental health, my life experiences, my rambling thoughts, news stories, pets, relationships, anything.

And by doing this, I’m able to help others who have also felt the same way I have. The amount of lovely comments I receive on a daily bases, telling me that I’ve made them feel better about themselves or how much they could relate to me, is so heartwarming to hear.

I know that I’m appreciated and liked, so it makes me want to continue for as long as I can.

Pheww, now I’ve got that out of the way, let’s continue with the whole reason you clicked on this article.

So here are eleven signs that you were meant to be a writer. I decided to add an extra one just for you 😘

Number 1 — You jot down everything.

You can’t go a day without jotting down some notes for your next article or story. You have your trusty notepad or phone app handy wherever you go, and it all ends up a jumbled mess.

You could have post-its everywhere, scribbles on old letters, notes on the fridge whiteboard, or if you haven’t got any paper handy, you will spell a small sentence with the refrigerator magnets. Or is that just me?

You write down everything anywhere and anytime, so you never forget an idea.

Number 2 — You would rather write it then speak about it.

You feel much more comfortable sending someone an email or a long text message, rather than confronting people face to face.

You would much rather write about everything you’re feeling, so you can put much more thought into what you want to say.

Number 3 — You always kept a journal.

Journals are a great way to work through your emotions, hopes, dreams, ideas, everything. I kept a journal throughout my entire childhood and teen years, and not a day went by when I wouldn’t fill up a dozen pages talking about everything I was feeling. Keeping a journal is just one of the many signs that you were born to write.

Number 4 — You love to read.

Writers read a lot, but not all of them do. So if you are one of those people that love to write but barely read, then that doesn’t matter at all. You can still be an amazing writer even if you are not a mega reader.

However, if you do read a lot and then have that overwhelming desire to open up your laptop and write, then need I say more.

Number 5 — You constantly daydream

Have you ever been doing something like washing the dishes, and then you find yourself zoned out and completely lost in thought?

Have you ever daydreamed about the same thing over and over again?

Your daydreams are always about an idea, story idea, plots, scenes, examples, anything.

If you’ve done this, then it’s likely your brain telling you that you need to follow through with the idea. This is an amazing sign that you have a writer in you.

Number 6 — You write better than you speak.

I suffer from Anxiety, so I struggle to string a sentence together anyway without feeling immense social Anxiety. But boy, can I write and write and write until my fingers ache.

Number 7 — You’re an observer.

Whatever you’re doing in your day-to-day life, you are a people watcher, and you watch everything around you, which then inspires you to write.

Number 8 — You write in your spare time

When you’re home for the day, you look around and see that there’s so much housework to do, but instead, you say to yourself, “screw it — I’m gonna go and write.” That makes you a writer. To give up your time to write shows how much you care.

Number 9 — Get nervous when other people read your work

Getting nervous about sharing your work doesn’t mean that you think your writing sucks. It means that you’re very passionate and invested in your hard work. I can spend hours reading my work over and over again until I’m completely satisfied, but then I spend another hour hesitating to press publish. This is a sign that writing is for you.

Number 10 — Writing is your therapy

You write about someone who wronged you, you write about your boss acting like an asshole, you watched something emotional on tv and need to vent, you’ve disagreed with a family member — guess what, you write about it all. Writing is like talking to a friend and lifting the entire weight of the world off your shoulders. Plus, it’s free.

Number 11 — You absolutely treasure people that compliment your writing.

When I receive such lovely comments on my articles, I will never forget them, and I’m eternally grateful. Let me tell you that I didn’t think anybody would read, let alone like my writing. Spending all that time perfecting your article and seeing everybody love it really encourages you to write more and more.

If you do any of these things, then congratulations — you are a writer.

Keep writing everybody ♥

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