
Aug 22, 2022

2 min read

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Communication this can be define as the exchange of information or ideas. This method have always been common from the beginning of the world, while language has always been it foundation bringing people who share the same interest under the same umbrella pursuing the same goals or objectives. Humans developed various means of communication, leveling up their interest and goals which I will be explaining below from the olden day to the modern use of it.


Smoke signal: this means is mostly used by hunters or warriors to send their location or give signs. This means of communication was first used by China in 200BC to carry message across the great wall. To produce this smoke a wet clothes is being placed over the fire and then removed and this smoke can go as long as fifty miles.

Symbols: this form of communication offers visual representation of a word or idea this form of communication is mostly used by high officials or organization just to code their language of communication, they draw symbols hiding various meaning in them only to be decoded by the people sent to or their organization. It also used by people who are not fully developed in communication or with deformed abilities (dumb)

Carrier pigeons: you mostly will have seen this animals used in movies as a form of transmission of message. This pigeons are carried in cages leaving home to a far destination then sent back to deliver messages.


Phone: yea the big daddy!!! Y’all can’t leave without it. It became a drug taken by 90 percent of humans on earth, the use of phones as a form of communication really made life easier, accessible, movable, easily fit in for us with the help of the network services and internet sending of message can be done within the twinkle of an eye.

Radio and Television: This daddies here keeps you guys entertained and always putting a smile on your faces. They really contribute a lot in bringing various information and updates of what’s going on around us.

Newspaper: this parts is mostly for readers like me that derives so much joy from reading this means of communication is much older than phone itself and it is still much respected till now just that it respects seems to be reduced due to the existence of: Phones, Television and radio, based on the fact people are much moved by what they see, so this guys present themselves as the best visual and audio entertainers with lots of fun and information.

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