Come Back !!

Aug 29, 2022

1 min read

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So, here's a story of a girl who come back or move on from a very toxic and ungrateful experience of her relationship. Relationship is the pleasing feeling of being with the person you love , you adore but if the same person become the devil for you it becomes very miserable to survive. Untill and unless you fight back for yourself. You stand for your revert back to give a lot of people who treated you disagreeablly. So it went like..

How beautiful the life is

Under these moon, stars and sky mist

I am still confused

What my destiny want me to do

What all I need is to just sit under this Twilight sky

Watching cinematic view under a shed

When he hold my wristt

But all their is fear of seperation

Fear to get hurted

Fear of again drowning down

But not this time I am not so weak this time

This time I won’t cry anymore.

This time I won’t beg

Instead this time I would learn a new lesson

I would grow a little more

This time my opinion would matter

The relationship would be mature

This time I would fight back beautifully

This time I would make my life beautiful.

This poem defines the strength of a female that if she think of it she can definitely do it and also she is alone enough to face every situation in life and one day she would make her life beautiful as she want .....

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