Best Ways to Drink Water to Live Longer

Oct 21, 2022

3 min read

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  1. Drinking water before and after meals

    when we eat, our body temperature rises for better digestion water instantly dilutes gastric juices reducing the body's ability to digest food. The food doesn't get digested properly and rots within the system. When food rots, the body fails to absorb the nutrients from it

    The solution is next time when you eat meals make sure to keep a gap between water and meal for 40 minutes or more or you can just rinse your mouth with water

  2. Gulping down water

    most people gulp water a lot of the time the way water enters our body makes a huge difference Drink water too fast means the body doesn't accept it and shunts it out Our stomach is acidic in nature and saliva is basic so the more saliva goes inside the stomach, the better it is.

    The solution is, to drink water slowly and sip the water

  3. Drinking chilled water

    do you drink chilled water? Well, most people drink chilled water but I think they don't know the side effects of chilled water Chilled water shrinks the blood vessels, solidifies the fat in food, aggravates joint pains, and decreases heart rate.

    So next time drink water at room temperature or you can use earthen pots that are natural water coolers

  4. Drinking too much water

    Do you drink water forcefully? does More water, More benefits? Drinking too much water dilutes the sodium levels too much water means more water in cells which causes swelling and if the same thing happens to brain cells then its the worst condition

    So next time drink water when you are dehydrated

    Some symptoms of dehydration are: yellowish urine parched lips Very dry skin lack of energy

  5. Drinking water while standing

    when we drink water while standing kidneys are unable to filter water properly this can lead to serious kidney issues and also it may become the reason for joint pains and arthritis

    So next time sits down and drinks water slowly

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